Dermatologistis a doctor whodeals with thetreatment ofskin-relatedproblemsChefmaintains aprofessionalkitchen whilepreparing therequireddelicaciesDentistA dentist treats allsorts of disordersrelated to oral care.There are manyspecialization areas inthe field of dental careComputer Engineerhas knowledge ofelectrical engineeringand computerscience, getsexposure to softwareand hardware design.Teacher/Professor works withschools or collegeto train students ina particularsubjectHairstyliststyle hair forclients & are in agreat demand inthe entertainmentindustryMeteorologistscientists whostudy andreport onweatherconditionsGame Designerplans thecontent anddesign of videoor other gamesArchitect-plans anddesigns thelayout ofbuildings orAstronomerstudiesastronomystudy of matterin outer spaceVeterinarianis a doctorwho treatsonly animals.Police Officerswork for city orstates todetect andprevent crime.ComedianA comedian'sprimary aim isto make anaudience laughLawyerpractices lawto achievejustice forhis/her clientPhotographerTakes pictures & canspecialize in fashion,advertising, natureor as aphotojournalist forTV or magazines.ElectricalEngineerdeals with theapplications ofelectricity andelectromagnetismComputer Engineerhas knowledge ofelectrical engineeringand computerscience, getsexposure to softwareand hardware design.Musiciancomposes orplays musicaltunes alone orin a groupZoologistperson whostudies animalsand usuallyworks at a zooCostume Designercreates all thecostumes that arerequired in theentertainment industry(films and theater).He/she must knowabout the characters&work with entire teamNurseassists thedoctor andtakes care ofthe patientsneedsCardiologisttreats thevariousdisordersrelated to theheart.Choreographercomposesdancesequences inentertainmentindustryComputer Engineerhas knowledge ofelectrical engineeringand computerscience, getsexposure to softwareand hardware design.Dermatologistis a doctor whodeals with thetreatment ofskin-relatedproblemsChefmaintains aprofessionalkitchen whilepreparing therequireddelicaciesDentistA dentist treats allsorts of disordersrelated to oral care.There are manyspecialization areas inthe field of dental careComputer Engineerhas knowledge ofelectrical engineeringand computerscience, getsexposure to softwareand hardware design.Teacher/Professor works withschools or collegeto train students ina particularsubjectHairstyliststyle hair forclients & are in agreat demand inthe entertainmentindustryMeteorologistscientists whostudy andreport onweatherconditionsGame Designerplans thecontent anddesign of videoor other gamesArchitect-plans anddesigns thelayout ofbuildings orAstronomerstudiesastronomystudy of matterin outer spaceVeterinarianis a doctorwho treatsonly animals.Police Officerswork for city orstates todetect andprevent crime.ComedianA comedian'sprimary aim isto make anaudience laughLawyerpractices lawto achievejustice forhis/her clientPhotographerTakes pictures & canspecialize in fashion,advertising, natureor as aphotojournalist forTV or magazines.ElectricalEngineerdeals with theapplications ofelectricity andelectromagnetismComputer Engineerhas knowledge ofelectrical engineeringand computerscience, getsexposure to softwareand hardware design.Musiciancomposes orplays musicaltunes alone orin a groupZoologistperson whostudies animalsand usuallyworks at a zooCostume Designercreates all thecostumes that arerequired in theentertainment industry(films and theater).He/she must knowabout the characters&work with entire teamNurseassists thedoctor andtakes care ofthe patientsneedsCardiologisttreats thevariousdisordersrelated to theheart.Choreographercomposesdancesequences inentertainmentindustryComputer Engineerhas knowledge ofelectrical engineeringand computerscience, getsexposure to softwareand hardware design.

Career Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Dermatologist is a doctor who deals with the treatment of skin-related problems
  2. Chef maintains a professional kitchen while preparing the required delicacies
  3. Dentist A dentist treats all sorts of disorders related to oral care. There are many specialization areas in the field of dental care
  4. Computer Engineer has knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science, gets exposure to software and hardware design.
  5. Teacher/Professor works with schools or college to train students in a particular subject
  6. Hairstylist style hair for clients & are in a great demand in the entertainment industry
  7. Meteorologist scientists who study and report on weather conditions
  8. Game Designer plans the content and design of video or other games
  9. Architect-plans and designs the layout of buildings or
  10. Astronomer studies astronomy study of matter in outer space
  11. Veterinarian is a doctor who treats only animals.
  12. Police Officers work for city or states to detect and prevent crime.
  13. Comedian A comedian's primary aim is to make an audience laugh
  14. Lawyer practices law to achieve justice for his/her client
  15. Photographer Takes pictures & can specialize in fashion, advertising, nature or as a photojournalist for TV or magazines.
  16. Electrical Engineer deals with the applications of electricity and electromagnetism
  17. Computer Engineer has knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science, gets exposure to software and hardware design.
  18. Musician composes or plays musical tunes alone or in a group
  19. Zoologist person who studies animals and usually works at a zoo
  20. Costume Designer creates all the costumes that are required in the entertainment industry (films and theater). He/she must know about the characters &work with entire team
  21. Nurse assists the doctor and takes care of the patients needs
  22. Cardiologist treats the various disorders related to the heart.
  23. Choreographer composes dance sequences in entertainment industry
  24. Computer Engineer has knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science, gets exposure to software and hardware design.