Add "Text or Call" to your voicemail greeting Add Insured Name to Insured Name field Turn on browser notifications Add Claim number to Claim Field Leave a voicemail, add "Text or Call" Share a Zipwhip Tip with a co-worker Use a template Send a text Bookmark Zipwhip to your bookmarks bar Print a conversation View Message Feed Create a template Add "Text or Call" to email signature Use Dynamic Field Mark a message as unread Update custom signature Attach image to text Create contact Update auto reply Download an image Send follow up text if Customer doesn't answer Adjust the notification sound Verify office hours are correct for auto-replies Schedule a message Add "Text or Call" to your voicemail greeting Add Insured Name to Insured Name field Turn on browser notifications Add Claim number to Claim Field Leave a voicemail, add "Text or Call" Share a Zipwhip Tip with a co-worker Use a template Send a text Bookmark Zipwhip to your bookmarks bar Print a conversation View Message Feed Create a template Add "Text or Call" to email signature Use Dynamic Field Mark a message as unread Update custom signature Attach image to text Create contact Update auto reply Download an image Send follow up text if Customer doesn't answer Adjust the notification sound Verify office hours are correct for auto-replies Schedule a message
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Add "Text or Call" to your voicemail greeting
Add Insured Name to Insured Name field
Turn on browser notifications
Add Claim number to Claim Field
Leave a voicemail, add "Text
or Call"
Share a Zipwhip Tip with a
Use a template
Send a text
Bookmark Zipwhip to your bookmarks bar
Print a conversation
View Message Feed
Create a template
Add "Text or Call" to email signature
Use Dynamic Field
Mark a message as unread
Update custom signature
Attach image to text
Create contact
Update auto reply
Download an image
Send follow up text if
Customer doesn't answer
Adjust the notification sound
Verify office hours are correct for auto-replies
Schedule a message