I have put acompletedactivity on myto-do list just soI can cross itoff.I attended anonlineconference that Iwould not havebeen able toattend F2F.I laugh at thefacilitators(in or out ofthe session).Reflectionwriting hassupportedmy GSLClearning.I lookedfor afacultyjob.I wassurprisedlooking atjob ads.I lookedfor apostdocjob.I gave a posteror presentationat the 2020GraduateResearchForum.I have gottento know agrad studentoutside ofmy field.I know at leastone phonenumber (otherthan my own)by heart.I havewatched thelawyer catvideo morethan 3 times.I have madeprogressreconcilingconflictingroles.I have madeprogresstoward aS.M.A.R.T. goalthis semester.I haverevisitedmy IDP2+ times.I havepresented myresearch at anational orinternationalconference.I haveexpanded mymentor networkthis academicyear.I am moreaware of myskills nowthan in Sept.I did myfirst IDP intheGSLC. A GSLCcolleaguemade methinkdifferently.I wentoutsidemultipletimes thisweek,Snackingis an art: Iam FridaKahlo.I know howto cook morethan pasta,noodles, orrice.I reflectedon myprofessionalidentity.This year I canbettercommunicatemy research tonon-expertsthan last year.I slept morethan 7 hoursat least threenights thisweek.I lovecats. I helped astudent or acolleaguethis week.I havepiercedears.I lookedfor anindustryjob.I have put acompletedactivity on myto-do list just soI can cross itoff.I attended anonlineconference that Iwould not havebeen able toattend F2F.I laugh at thefacilitators(in or out ofthe session).Reflectionwriting hassupportedmy GSLClearning.I lookedfor afacultyjob.I wassurprisedlooking atjob ads.I lookedfor apostdocjob.I gave a posteror presentationat the 2020GraduateResearchForum.I have gottento know agrad studentoutside ofmy field.I know at leastone phonenumber (otherthan my own)by heart.I havewatched thelawyer catvideo morethan 3 times.I have madeprogressreconcilingconflictingroles.I have madeprogresstoward aS.M.A.R.T. goalthis semester.I haverevisitedmy IDP2+ times.I havepresented myresearch at anational orinternationalconference.I haveexpanded mymentor networkthis academicyear.I am moreaware of myskills nowthan in Sept.I did myfirst IDP intheGSLC. A GSLCcolleaguemade methinkdifferently.I wentoutsidemultipletimes thisweek,Snackingis an art: Iam FridaKahlo.I know howto cook morethan pasta,noodles, orrice.I reflectedon myprofessionalidentity.This year I canbettercommunicatemy research tonon-expertsthan last year.I slept morethan 7 hoursat least threenights thisweek.I lovecats. I helped astudent or acolleaguethis week.I havepiercedears.I lookedfor anindustryjob.

GSLC Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I have put a completed activity on my to-do list just so I can cross it off.
  2. I attended an online conference that I would not have been able to attend F2F.
  3. I laugh at the facilitators (in or out of the session).
  4. Reflection writing has supported my GSLC learning.
  5. I looked for a faculty job.
  6. I was surprised looking at job ads.
  7. I looked for a postdoc job.
  8. I gave a poster or presentation at the 2020 Graduate Research Forum.
  9. I have gotten to know a grad student outside of my field.
  10. I know at least one phone number (other than my own) by heart.
  11. I have watched the lawyer cat video more than 3 times.
  12. I have made progress reconciling conflicting roles.
  13. I have made progress toward a S.M.A.R.T. goal this semester.
  14. I have revisited my IDP 2+ times.
  15. I have presented my research at a national or international conference.
  16. I have expanded my mentor network this academic year.
  17. I am more aware of my skills now than in Sept.
  18. I did my first IDP in the GSLC.
  19. A GSLC colleague made me think differently.
  20. I went outside multiple times this week,
  21. Snacking is an art: I am Frida Kahlo.
  22. I know how to cook more than pasta, noodles, or rice.
  23. I reflected on my professional identity.
  24. This year I can better communicate my research to non-experts than last year.
  25. I slept more than 7 hours at least three nights this week.
  26. I love cats.
  27. I helped a student or a colleague this week.
  28. I have pierced ears.
  29. I looked for an industry job.