new dungeon new artifact more hangouts new weekly boss new ascension material Dendro Cryo Hypostasis Crafting in coop 3 or more codes pet dog unnecessary game change new soundtrack Spiral Abyss Update chasm? adventure handbook update transferable talent weekly boss drop Zhongli? Yao Yao? resin max increase resin rate increase new pet acquirable no mentions of japan klee? Yan Fei? new dungeon new artifact more hangouts new weekly boss new ascension material Dendro Cryo Hypostasis Crafting in coop 3 or more codes pet dog unnecessary game change new soundtrack Spiral Abyss Update chasm? adventure handbook update transferable talent weekly boss drop Zhongli? Yao Yao? resin max increase resin rate increase new pet acquirable no mentions of japan klee? Yan Fei?
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
O-new dungeon
G-new artifact
G-more hangouts
B-new weekly boss
I-new ascension material
I-Cryo Hypostasis
B-Crafting in coop
I-3 or more codes
O-pet dog
G-unnecessary game change
N-new soundtrack
B-Spiral Abyss Update
B-adventure handbook update
N-transferable talent weekly boss drop
O-resin max increase
G-resin rate increase
O-new pet acquirable
I-no mentions of japan
B-Yan Fei?