Visited the roomof Bl. SolanusCasey at the St.Felix CatholicCenterHas been toa Mass intheByzantineRiteHas read theSummaTheolgica bySt. ThomasAquinasHas a statueof Mary,Undoer ofKnots in theirofficeHas a statueof St.Michael intheir OfficeHas animage of Ven.Fr. AugustusTolton in theSchoolPrays theLiturgy ofthe HoursHasvisited theVaticanHas beento theMarch forLife in D.C.Is enrolledin theBrownScapularHas aCatholic appon theirphoneHas animage of OurLady ofGuadalupein their officeHastraveledto theHoly LandIs both alector and anextraordinaryministerHas been asponsor forsomeone whohas enteredthe ChurchHas been toa SensoryFriendlyMassHas beento a WorldYouth DayHas read allof theencyclicalsof St. PopeJohn Paul IIHas made the33-day St.Louis deMontfort MarianConsecrationHas been toa Mass in theExtraordinaryFormWasbaptizedas anadultHas seena Pope inpersonDoes theFirst FiveSaturdayDevotionHas adegree froma Catholicuniversity inthe DioceseHas read theDiary of St.MariaFaustinaKowalskaHas madetheconsecrationto St. JosephCompleted theEducation forMinistry/Foundations ofFaith ProgramHas beenon apilgrimageVisited the roomof Bl. SolanusCasey at the St.Felix CatholicCenterHas been toa Mass intheByzantineRiteHas read theSummaTheolgica bySt. ThomasAquinasHas a statueof Mary,Undoer ofKnots in theirofficeHas a statueof St.Michael intheir OfficeHas animage of Ven.Fr. AugustusTolton in theSchoolPrays theLiturgy ofthe HoursHasvisited theVaticanHas beento theMarch forLife in D.C.Is enrolledin theBrownScapularHas aCatholic appon theirphoneHas animage of OurLady ofGuadalupein their officeHastraveledto theHoly LandIs both alector and anextraordinaryministerHas been asponsor forsomeone whohas enteredthe ChurchHas been toa SensoryFriendlyMassHas beento a WorldYouth DayHas read allof theencyclicalsof St. PopeJohn Paul IIHas made the33-day St.Louis deMontfort MarianConsecrationHas been toa Mass in theExtraordinaryFormWasbaptizedas anadultHas seena Pope inpersonDoes theFirst FiveSaturdayDevotionHas adegree froma Catholicuniversity inthe DioceseHas read theDiary of St.MariaFaustinaKowalskaHas madetheconsecrationto St. JosephCompleted theEducation forMinistry/Foundations ofFaith ProgramHas beenon apilgrimage

Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Visited the room of Bl. Solanus Casey at the St. Felix Catholic Center
  2. Has been to a Mass in the Byzantine Rite
  3. Has read the Summa Theolgica by St. Thomas Aquinas
  4. Has a statue of Mary, Undoer of Knots in their office
  5. Has a statue of St. Michael in their Office
  6. Has an image of Ven. Fr. Augustus Tolton in the School
  7. Prays the Liturgy of the Hours
  8. Has visited the Vatican
  9. Has been to the March for Life in D.C.
  10. Is enrolled in the Brown Scapular
  11. Has a Catholic app on their phone
  12. Has an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in their office
  13. Has traveled to the Holy Land
  14. Is both a lector and an extraordinary minister
  15. Has been a sponsor for someone who has entered the Church
  16. Has been to a Sensory Friendly Mass
  17. Has been to a World Youth Day
  18. Has read all of the encyclicals of St. Pope John Paul II
  19. Has made the 33-day St. Louis de Montfort Marian Consecration
  20. Has been to a Mass in the Extraordinary Form
  21. Was baptized as an adult
  22. Has seen a Pope in person
  23. Does the First Five Saturday Devotion
  24. Has a degree from a Catholic university in the Diocese
  25. Has read the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
  26. Has made the consecration to St. Joseph
  27. Completed the Education for Ministry/ Foundations of Faith Program
  28. Has been on a pilgrimage