Buy/selltransactions fromprior day, anyoffsetting entriesand excessivereversalsHow do youreview an EJas part of theCash Count?Custodianparticipated in cashcount rather thanobserving only, theaudit button was notselected prior tocounting, and review ofcashless box was notdone.What couldbe an issuewith cashcounts?Dashboard isnot completed/not properlydistributing keysand combosWhat aresome topissues forSaturdaybanking?Sameway asMonday-FridayHow doSaturdaybranchesfunction?Same associatescounting each time,EJs werenot reviewed, cashsources werenot countedcorrectly or at allWhat couldbe an issuewith cashcounts?ReporttoROMYou uncoversomethingsuspicious whileconducting a cashcount, what do youdo?MonthlyHow oftenshould acash countbeconducted?DashboardWhat processis in place atthe branch toensure tasksare completed?A tool createdto help trackthe completionof variousactivitieswhat isbranchdashboard?A first line ofdefense tomonitor controlfunctions andmitigate internalrisksWhat is asurprisecashcount?BranchManager,Team Lead, orVault custodian(if manager hascash box)Who cancall acashcount?Customers areturned away forwire transfer/associatesdon’t properly countinand out of cashdrawersWhat aresome topissues forSaturdaybanking?Manager willpick them upfrom thebranch beforeSaturday.How do youget keys fora Saturdaybranch?To catchinternalfraudWhat is thebenefit of asurprisecash count?Manager willreview fortransactions afterEOD, buy/sellsfrom prior day,sign ons prior toCCHow do youreview an EJas part of theCash Count?Free!Visiting branchwillcall Saturdaybranch forcorrectcombos.How doyou getcombos forSaturdaySurprisecashcountsWhat creates anopportunityto catch anassociate forcebalancing orstealing from theirdrawer?Review thedashboardusing thereports tabHow can weensure thedashboard iscompleteddaily?Eliminatespaper, centrallocation forinformation,reminder tocomplete tasksWhatpurposedoes thedashboardhold?Buy/selltransactions fromprior day, anyoffsetting entriesand excessivereversalsHow do youreview an EJas part of theCash Count?Custodianparticipated in cashcount rather thanobserving only, theaudit button was notselected prior tocounting, and review ofcashless box was notdone.What couldbe an issuewith cashcounts?Dashboard isnot completed/not properlydistributing keysand combosWhat aresome topissues forSaturdaybanking?Sameway asMonday-FridayHow doSaturdaybranchesfunction?Same associatescounting each time,EJs werenot reviewed, cashsources werenot countedcorrectly or at allWhat couldbe an issuewith cashcounts?ReporttoROMYou uncoversomethingsuspicious whileconducting a cashcount, what do youdo?MonthlyHow oftenshould acash countbeconducted?DashboardWhat processis in place atthe branch toensure tasksare completed?A tool createdto help trackthe completionof variousactivitieswhat isbranchdashboard?A first line ofdefense tomonitor controlfunctions andmitigate internalrisksWhat is asurprisecashcount?BranchManager,Team Lead, orVault custodian(if manager hascash box)Who cancall acashcount?Customers areturned away forwire transfer/associatesdon’t properly countinand out of cashdrawersWhat aresome topissues forSaturdaybanking?Manager willpick them upfrom thebranch beforeSaturday.How do youget keys fora Saturdaybranch?To catchinternalfraudWhat is thebenefit of asurprisecash count?Manager willreview fortransactions afterEOD, buy/sellsfrom prior day,sign ons prior toCCHow do youreview an EJas part of theCash Count?Free!Visiting branchwillcall Saturdaybranch forcorrectcombos.How doyou getcombos forSaturdaySurprisecashcountsWhat creates anopportunityto catch anassociate forcebalancing orstealing from theirdrawer?Review thedashboardusing thereports tabHow can weensure thedashboard iscompleteddaily?Eliminatespaper, centrallocation forinformation,reminder tocomplete tasksWhatpurposedoes thedashboardhold?

Cash Counts/ Saturday Banking/ Dashboard - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How do you review an EJ as part of the Cash Count?
    Buy/sell transactions from prior day, any offsetting entries and excessive reversals
  2. What could be an issue with cash counts?
    Custodian participated in cash count rather than observing only, the audit button was not selected prior to counting, and review of cashless box was not done.
  3. What are some top issues for Saturday banking?
    Dashboard is not completed/ not properly distributing keys and combos
  4. How do Saturday branches function?
    Same way as Monday-Friday
  5. What could be an issue with cash counts?
    Same associates counting each time, EJs were not reviewed, cash sources were not counted correctly or at all
  6. You uncover something suspicious while conducting a cash count, what do you do?
    Report to ROM
  7. How often should a cash count be conducted?
  8. What process is in place at the branch to ensure tasks are completed?
  9. what is branch dashboard?
    A tool created to help track the completion of various activities
  10. What is a surprise cash count?
    A first line of defense to monitor control functions and mitigate internal risks
  11. Who can call a cash count?
    Branch Manager, Team Lead, or Vault custodian (if manager has cash box)
  12. What are some top issues for Saturday banking?
    Customers are turned away for wire transfer/ associates don’t properly count in and out of cash drawers
  13. How do you get keys for a Saturday branch?
    Manager will pick them up from the branch before Saturday.
  14. What is the benefit of a surprise cash count?
    To catch internal fraud
  15. How do you review an EJ as part of the Cash Count?
    Manager will review for transactions after EOD, buy/sells from prior day, sign ons prior to CC
  16. Free!
  17. How do you get combos for Saturday
    Visiting branch will call Saturday branch for correct combos.
  18. What creates an opportunity to catch an associate force balancing or stealing from their drawer?
    Surprise cash counts
  19. How can we ensure the dashboard is completed daily?
    Review the dashboard using the reports tab
  20. What purpose does the dashboard hold?
    Eliminates paper, central location for information, reminder to complete tasks