Deny - Thisdoesn'taffect thatmany peopleDivide - Letme fix yourindividualproblemDemand -You needto get usmore dataDemand -You need tobring us apolicy toimplementDemand -You need toconvinceleadershipDeceive -We've startedthe processand can'tchange it nowDeflect -Blamethe victimDelay -"I'm on it"with notimelineDeceive -We'realways opento hear fromyouDelay -Let's doa studyDiscredit -Who do youall evenrepresent?Discredit -You didn't dothings theproper wayDeflect - Idon't havethe power todo anything,go talk to XDivide - Wecan't meetwith all ofyou, just asmall groupDelay -Need totalk tolegalDeny - Noidea thiswas aproblem!Deny - Thisdoesn'taffect thatmany peopleDivide - Letme fix yourindividualproblemDemand -You needto get usmore dataDemand -You need tobring us apolicy toimplementDemand -You need toconvinceleadershipDeceive -We've startedthe processand can'tchange it nowDeflect -Blamethe victimDelay -"I'm on it"with notimelineDeceive -We'realways opento hear fromyouDelay -Let's doa studyDiscredit -Who do youall evenrepresent?Discredit -You didn't dothings theproper wayDeflect - Idon't havethe power todo anything,go talk to XDivide - Wecan't meetwith all ofyou, just asmall groupDelay -Need totalk tolegalDeny - Noidea thiswas aproblem!

7 Ds Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Deny - This doesn't affect that many people
  2. Divide - Let me fix your individual problem
  3. Demand - You need to get us more data
  4. Demand - You need to bring us a policy to implement
  5. Demand - You need to convince leadership
  6. Deceive - We've started the process and can't change it now
  7. Deflect - Blame the victim
  8. Delay - "I'm on it" with no timeline
  9. Deceive - We're always open to hear from you
  10. Delay - Let's do a study
  11. Discredit - Who do you all even represent?
  12. Discredit - You didn't do things the proper way
  13. Deflect - I don't have the power to do anything, go talk to X
  14. Divide - We can't meet with all of you, just a small group
  15. Delay - Need to talk to legal
  16. Deny - No idea this was a problem!