Took acoffee breaktoday….or 3Have heardor said “ canyou see myscreen thisweek”?Have youtaken a workcall whilestretched outon the coach?Refused to turnon yourwebcambecause youweren’t ‘decent’Youhaven’texercisedin a weekOrdered food fromUberEats,DoorDash, orSkipTheDishes 2xin one day, or 3days in a rowTook a fieldtrip andworkedoutsideHave you forgotto unmuteyourself on acall this week?Music wastoo loud anddid not hearphoneHave notcombed hairof wore a hatfor a meetingSlept inlater thanusualAre youcurrentlywearing sweats,pajama bottomsor shorts??Orderedsomethingunnecessaryfrom Amazon (Imean TheSource)Spent your lunchdoinghousework/choresHave yougone outsidein the last 2days?Had a meetinginterrupted by apet/familymember/roommateHave youused anemoji in anemail today?Have youstarted anew fitnessprogram?You haven’tgone outsidetodayHave youdressed upfor a virtualcall thismonth?Have youtaken a workcall whilestretched outon the coach?Have youtaken upa newhobby?Forgotcamerawas onIn April 2020,you didn’t thinkyou would stillbe working fromhome in April2021Took acoffee breaktoday….or 3Have heardor said “ canyou see myscreen thisweek”?Have youtaken a workcall whilestretched outon the coach?Refused to turnon yourwebcambecause youweren’t ‘decent’Youhaven’texercisedin a weekOrdered food fromUberEats,DoorDash, orSkipTheDishes 2xin one day, or 3days in a rowTook a fieldtrip andworkedoutsideHave you forgotto unmuteyourself on acall this week?Music wastoo loud anddid not hearphoneHave notcombed hairof wore a hatfor a meetingSlept inlater thanusualAre youcurrentlywearing sweats,pajama bottomsor shorts??Orderedsomethingunnecessaryfrom Amazon (Imean TheSource)Spent your lunchdoinghousework/choresHave yougone outsidein the last 2days?Had a meetinginterrupted by apet/familymember/roommateHave youused anemoji in anemail today?Have youstarted anew fitnessprogram?You haven’tgone outsidetodayHave youdressed upfor a virtualcall thismonth?Have youtaken a workcall whilestretched outon the coach?Have youtaken upa newhobby?Forgotcamerawas onIn April 2020,you didn’t thinkyou would stillbe working fromhome in April2021

Retail Execution Team Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Took a coffee break today….or 3
  2. Have heard or said “ can you see my screen this week”?
  3. Have you taken a work call while stretched out on the coach?
  4. Refused to turn on your webcam because you weren’t ‘decent’
  5. You haven’t exercised in a week
  6. Ordered food from UberEats, DoorDash, or SkipTheDishes 2x in one day, or 3 days in a row
  7. Took a field trip and worked outside
  8. Have you forgot to unmute yourself on a call this week?
  9. Music was too loud and did not hear phone
  10. Have not combed hair of wore a hat for a meeting
  11. Slept in later than usual
  12. Are you currently wearing sweats, pajama bottoms or shorts??
  13. Ordered something unnecessary from Amazon (I mean The Source)
  14. Spent your lunch doing housework/chores
  15. Have you gone outside in the last 2 days?
  16. Had a meeting interrupted by a pet/family member/roommate
  17. Have you used an emoji in an email today?
  18. Have you started a new fitness program?
  19. You haven’t gone outside today
  20. Have you dressed up for a virtual call this month?
  21. Have you taken a work call while stretched out on the coach?
  22. Have you taken up a new hobby?
  23. Forgot camera was on
  24. In April 2020, you didn’t think you would still be working from home in April 2021