Iso sayssomethingfacetiouslyMeaper gets waytoo invested in oneidea and doesn'tdropit for the wholesessionShane repeatsthe same "higheffort" joke forthewhole sessionEric dropsin thengoes mutefor an hourIlma pulls outa very usefulspell waylater than heshould have.A joke thatbreaks thetension of thescene but istoo funnyAmontries togaslighteveryoneShanegoes fulldoomermodeSomeoneguessessomething 3seconds beforeit revealedThe wholeparty discussesa plan for along time thendoesn't do it.We come totheconclusionthat we needan npc's helpMattantagonizes annpc and doesn'tunderstand whythey are madSomeonedoesn't putin theirinitiativeIso threatensa characterout of gameThe sessionclearly goesoff the rails.Iso adaptsMatt gets askedsomething andhe doesn'trespondAcria'sinventorystill isn'tuseful"I'm goodat these"Nat 1Amon andUldar getconfused foreach otherSomeonehides anAmong us onthe mapSome onemutes whiletalking as ajoke.Basil getsspooked bysomething.Other charactersmake it worse.Basil has tobe a bit toosmart topush thestory forwardMatt backs outof sayingsomething badby saying it wasout ofcharacter.Iso sayssomethingfacetiouslyMeaper gets waytoo invested in oneidea and doesn'tdropit for the wholesessionShane repeatsthe same "higheffort" joke forthewhole sessionEric dropsin thengoes mutefor an hourIlma pulls outa very usefulspell waylater than heshould have.A joke thatbreaks thetension of thescene but istoo funnyAmontries togaslighteveryoneShanegoes fulldoomermodeSomeoneguessessomething 3seconds beforeit revealedThe wholeparty discussesa plan for along time thendoesn't do it.We come totheconclusionthat we needan npc's helpMattantagonizes annpc and doesn'tunderstand whythey are madSomeonedoesn't putin theirinitiativeIso threatensa characterout of gameThe sessionclearly goesoff the rails.Iso adaptsMatt gets askedsomething andhe doesn'trespondAcria'sinventorystill isn'tuseful"I'm goodat these"Nat 1Amon andUldar getconfused foreach otherSomeonehides anAmong us onthe mapSome onemutes whiletalking as ajoke.Basil getsspooked bysomething.Other charactersmake it worse.Basil has tobe a bit toosmart topush thestory forwardMatt backs outof sayingsomething badby saying it wasout ofcharacter.

Blood Crisis D&D Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Iso says something facetiously
  2. Meaper gets way too invested in one idea and doesn't drop it for the whole session
  3. Shane repeats the same "high effort" joke for the whole session
  4. Eric drops in then goes mute for an hour
  5. Ilma pulls out a very useful spell way later than he should have.
  6. A joke that breaks the tension of the scene but is too funny
  7. Amon tries to gaslight everyone
  8. Shane goes full doomer mode
  9. Someone guesses something 3 seconds before it revealed
  10. The whole party discusses a plan for a long time then doesn't do it.
  11. We come to the conclusion that we need an npc's help
  12. Matt antagonizes an npc and doesn't understand why they are mad
  13. Someone doesn't put in their initiative
  14. Iso threatens a character out of game
  15. The session clearly goes off the rails. Iso adapts
  16. Matt gets asked something and he doesn't respond
  17. Acria's inventory still isn't useful
  18. "I'm good at these" Nat 1
  19. Amon and Uldar get confused for each other
  20. Someone hides an Among us on the map
  21. Some one mutes while talking as a joke.
  22. Basil gets spooked by something. Other characters make it worse.
  23. Basil has to be a bit too smart to push the story forward
  24. Matt backs out of saying something bad by saying it was out of character.