Work on afile that hasmore thanone P and LAnswer aquestion forsomeone inthe chatWork on afile that isa 2 yearreportWork on a filethat has morethan one setof bankstatementsPlace 40orders inone day Clear 20queueitems inone hourOrder afile for aTPO loanPlace 9orders inone hourStatus atrackingitem with"problem"Work on afile that the Pand L hasownerwagesWork on a filethat bothborrowers havean ownership inthe samebusinessAnswer aquestion forsomeone inthe chatWork on afile that hasmore thanone type ofbusinessWork on a filethat has W2income from abusiness theborrower ownsPlace 35orders inone dayClear 20queueitems inone hourPlace anorder for aJumboproductPlace 40orders inone dayStatus atracking item" cleared byunderwriterPlace 40orders inone dayAnswer aquestion forsomeone inthe chatWork on afile that the Pand L hasownerwagesClear 50HAPItasks inone dayStatus atracking item"cleared byunderwriter"Work on afile withan 1120businessWork on afile that hasmore thanone P and LAnswer aquestion forsomeone inthe chatWork on afile that isa 2 yearreportWork on a filethat has morethan one setof bankstatementsPlace 40orders inone day Clear 20queueitems inone hourOrder afile for aTPO loanPlace 9orders inone hourStatus atrackingitem with"problem"Work on afile that the Pand L hasownerwagesWork on a filethat bothborrowers havean ownership inthe samebusinessAnswer aquestion forsomeone inthe chatWork on afile that hasmore thanone type ofbusinessWork on a filethat has W2income from abusiness theborrower ownsPlace 35orders inone dayClear 20queueitems inone hourPlace anorder for aJumboproductPlace 40orders inone dayStatus atracking item" cleared byunderwriterPlace 40orders inone dayAnswer aquestion forsomeone inthe chatWork on afile that the Pand L hasownerwagesClear 50HAPItasks inone dayStatus atracking item"cleared byunderwriter"Work on afile withan 1120business

Hapi Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Work on a file that has more than one P and L
  2. Answer a question for someone in the chat
  3. Work on a file that is a 2 year report
  4. Work on a file that has more than one set of bank statements
  5. Place 40 orders in one day
  6. Clear 20 queue items in one hour
  7. Order a file for a TPO loan
  8. Place 9 orders in one hour
  9. Status a tracking item with "problem"
  10. Work on a file that the P and L has owner wages
  11. Work on a file that both borrowers have an ownership in the same business
  12. Answer a question for someone in the chat
  13. Work on a file that has more than one type of business
  14. Work on a file that has W2 income from a business the borrower owns
  15. Place 35 orders in one day
  16. Clear 20 queue items in one hour
  17. Place an order for a Jumbo product
  18. Place 40 orders in one day
  19. Status a tracking item " cleared by underwriter
  20. Place 40 orders in one day
  21. Answer a question for someone in the chat
  22. Work on a file that the P and L has owner wages
  23. Clear 50 HAPI tasks in one day
  24. Status a tracking item "cleared by underwriter"
  25. Work on a file with an 1120 business