What is thegulf coastcity's famouslandmark?WhatJackson'sfirst skyscraper?The 5 largest citieswere meridian,Jackson,Vicksburg,Natchez, and____.Amunicipalitywith morethan 2,000inhabitants.Who becamethe majorindustrialemployer ofthe state?The growth of MStowns and citieswas acceleratedby the war timedemand for _____.What wasended by theeconomicboom?Communitiesthat surroundcities but areoutside citylimits.A municipalitywith fewer than2,000 but morethan 300inhabitants.A denselypopulated areathat is notwithin anincorporatedplace.A politicalsubdivisionwithin thestate of MS.What's beenthe largestcity of MSsince 1930?What wasthe 1stEuropeanSettlement inMs?MS blackservicemen &women whoreturned after thewar were notwilling to_____.Free!!Free!!What is thegulf coastcity's famouslandmark?WhatJackson'sfirst skyscraper?The 5 largest citieswere meridian,Jackson,Vicksburg,Natchez, and____.Amunicipalitywith morethan 2,000inhabitants.Who becamethe majorindustrialemployer ofthe state?The growth of MStowns and citieswas acceleratedby the war timedemand for _____.What wasended by theeconomicboom?Communitiesthat surroundcities but areoutside citylimits.A municipalitywith fewer than2,000 but morethan 300inhabitants.A denselypopulated areathat is notwithin anincorporatedplace.A politicalsubdivisionwithin thestate of MS.What's beenthe largestcity of MSsince 1930?What wasthe 1stEuropeanSettlement inMs?MS blackservicemen &women whoreturned after thewar were notwilling to_____.Free!!Free!!

Mississippi Studies BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is the gulf coast city's famous landmark?
  2. What Jackson's first sky scraper?
  3. The 5 largest cities were meridian, Jackson, Vicksburg, Natchez, and ____.
  4. A municipality with more than 2,000 inhabitants.
  5. Who became the major industrial employer of the state?
  6. The growth of MS towns and cities was accelerated by the war time demand for _____.
  7. What was ended by the economic boom?
  8. Communities that surround cities but are outside city limits.
  9. A municipality with fewer than 2,000 but more than 300 inhabitants.
  10. A densely populated area that is not within an incorporated place.
  11. A political subdivision within the state of MS.
  12. What's been the largest city of MS since 1930?
  13. What was the 1st European Settlement in Ms?
  14. MS black servicemen & women who returned after the war were not willing to_____.
  15. Free!!
  16. Free!!