"when do we pop chronoboons" sapph overaggro deep wounds breaking cc "stop stop stop stop stop" patrol ninjapulled heartbeat on razu "roids got pushed off" someone disobediening dipping ban fail thaddius jump "pull pupupullpull" frost blast chained ported on heigan fml healers confused at 4hm mt getting hatefuls on patchwerk gg tyba dead fury oneshot by kt abom webbed on maexxna stuns dr'd by a charging pooga feared into necro knights faerie fire dropped dead to poison because no cleansing failed 4hm trash skip "innervate slamstud please" no decurse on noth "when do we pop chronoboons" sapph overaggro deep wounds breaking cc "stop stop stop stop stop" patrol ninjapulled heartbeat on razu "roids got pushed off" someone disobediening dipping ban fail thaddius jump "pull pupupullpull" frost blast chained ported on heigan fml healers confused at 4hm mt getting hatefuls on patchwerk gg tyba dead fury oneshot by kt abom webbed on maexxna stuns dr'd by a charging pooga feared into necro knights faerie fire dropped dead to poison because no cleansing failed 4hm trash skip "innervate slamstud please" no decurse on noth
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
"when do we pop chronoboons"
sapph overaggro
deep wounds breaking cc
"stop stop stop stop stop"
patrol ninjapulled
heartbeat on razu
"roids got pushed off"
someone disobediening dipping ban
fail thaddius jump
"pull pupupullpull"
frost blast chained
ported on heigan fml
healers confused at 4hm
mt getting hatefuls on patchwerk
gg tyba dead
fury oneshot by kt abom
webbed on maexxna
stuns dr'd by a charging pooga
feared into necro knights
faerie fire dropped
dead to poison because no cleansing
failed 4hm trash skip
"innervate slamstud please"
no decurse on noth