IPO(Initialpublicoffering)raising equitycapital byselling sharesof stock tothe publicAngelsprivateinvestors, whoinvest inbusiness start-ups for equitystakesCrowdfundingraising capitalthat taps thepower of theinternet andsocialnetworkingDataminingcomputer softwarefinds hiddenpatterns, trends tohelp marketingdecisionsMarketresearchhelps theownerpinpoint hisor her targetmarketEquityfinancingcapital thatrepresentspersonalinvestment ofthe owner ofcompanyDebtfinancingfinancing wherean entrepreneurborrows moneyand repays withinterestTargetmarketspecific group ofcustomers atwhom acompany aimsits goods andservicesIPO(Initialpublicoffering)raising equitycapital byselling sharesof stock tothe publicAngelsprivateinvestors, whoinvest inbusiness start-ups for equitystakesCrowdfundingraising capitalthat taps thepower of theinternet andsocialnetworkingDataminingcomputer softwarefinds hiddenpatterns, trends tohelp marketingdecisionsMarketresearchhelps theownerpinpoint hisor her targetmarketEquityfinancingcapital thatrepresentspersonalinvestment ofthe owner ofcompanyDebtfinancingfinancing wherean entrepreneurborrows moneyand repays withinterestTargetmarketspecific group ofcustomers atwhom acompany aimsits goods andservices

Tutorial 6 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. raising equity capital by selling shares of stock to the public
    IPO (Initial public offering)
  2. private investors, who invest in business start-ups for equity stakes
  3. raising capital that taps the power of the internet and social networking
  4. computer software finds hidden patterns, trends to help marketing decisions
    Data mining
  5. helps the owner pinpoint his or her target market
    Market research
  6. capital that represents personal investment of the owner of company
    Equity financing
  7. financing where an entrepreneur borrows money and repays with interest
    Debt financing
  8. specific group of customers at whom a company aims its goods and services
    Target market