18. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 12conversion periodsin a year.10. Refers to theprocess of deducingrelevant informationfrom the given dataso that numericaldescription can beformulated.3. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 1conversion periodin a year.2. Is a durationperiod of the loanusually express interms of thenumber of years,months, or days?12. _________isthe process ofgathering relevantinformation fromthe population.16. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable P iscalled?4. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable F iscalled?8. How manymonths arethere in 3.75years?1. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 4conversion periodsin a year.5. ________is abranch of statisticsthat involves thecollection,organization,summarization, andpresentation of data.20. is theamount paid forthe use ofborrowedmoney at anypurpose?11. _________issystematicarrangement of datainto tables, graphs, orcharts so that logicaland statisticalconclusions can easilybe derived from thecollected information.23. Howmany yearsand monthsdo 3.5 yearshave?21. is a personor an institutionwho lendsmoney toanother personor an institution.6. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable n iscalled?19. is the item orvalue in adistribution withthe highestfrequency or thegreatest number ofcases.17. is themidpoint ofthe dataarray.7. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable i iscalled.9. What is theinterest if Php100,000 isdeposited at5.5 rate for 2years?13. _________isall about derivingconclusion fromthe data that havebeen analyzed.14. Refers to the sumof all the given valuesor items in adistribution divided bythe number of valuesor items.15. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 2conversion periodsin a year.24. is an interestwherein theprincipal bearsan interest overa period.22. ________is abranch of statisticsthat interprets anddraws conclusionsfrom a given set ofdata.18. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 12conversion periodsin a year.10. Refers to theprocess of deducingrelevant informationfrom the given dataso that numericaldescription can beformulated.3. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 1conversion periodin a year.2. Is a durationperiod of the loanusually express interms of thenumber of years,months, or days?12. _________isthe process ofgathering relevantinformation fromthe population.16. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable P iscalled?4. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable F iscalled?8. How manymonths arethere in 3.75years?1. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 4conversion periodsin a year.5. ________is abranch of statisticsthat involves thecollection,organization,summarization, andpresentation of data.20. is theamount paid forthe use ofborrowedmoney at anypurpose?11. _________issystematicarrangement of datainto tables, graphs, orcharts so that logicaland statisticalconclusions can easilybe derived from thecollected information.23. Howmany yearsand monthsdo 3.5 yearshave?21. is a personor an institutionwho lendsmoney toanother personor an institution.6. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable n iscalled?19. is the item orvalue in adistribution withthe highestfrequency or thegreatest number ofcases.17. is themidpoint ofthe dataarray.7. In thecompoundinterestformula, thevariable i iscalled.9. What is theinterest if Php100,000 isdeposited at5.5 rate for 2years?13. _________isall about derivingconclusion fromthe data that havebeen analyzed.14. Refers to the sumof all the given valuesor items in adistribution divided bythe number of valuesor items.15. The amount iscompounded______ whenthere are 2conversion periodsin a year.24. is an interestwherein theprincipal bearsan interest overa period.22. ________is abranch of statisticsthat interprets anddraws conclusionsfrom a given set ofdata.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 18. The amount is compounded ______ when there are 12 conversion periods in a year.
  2. 10. Refers to the process of deducing relevant information from the given data so that numerical description can be formulated.
  3. 3. The amount is compounded ______ when there are 1 conversion period in a year.
  4. 2. Is a duration period of the loan usually express in terms of the number of years, months, or days?
  5. 12. _________is the process of gathering relevant information from the population.
  6. 16. In the compound interest formula, the variable P is called?
  7. 4. In the compound interest formula, the variable F is called?
  8. 8. How many months are there in 3.75 years?
  9. 1. The amount is compounded ______ when there are 4 conversion periods in a year.
  10. 5. ________is a branch of statistics that involves the collection, organization, summarization, and presentation of data.
  11. 20. is the amount paid for the use of borrowed money at any purpose?
  12. 11. _________is systematic arrangement of data into tables, graphs, or charts so that logical and statistical conclusions can easily be derived from the collected information.
  13. 23. How many years and months do 3.5 years have?
  14. 21. is a person or an institution who lends money to another person or an institution.
  15. 6. In the compound interest formula, the variable n is called?
  16. 19. is the item or value in a distribution with the highest frequency or the greatest number of cases.
  17. 17. is the midpoint of the data array.
  18. 7. In the compound interest formula, the variable i is called.
  19. 9. What is the interest if Php 100,000 is deposited at 5.5 rate for 2 years?
  20. 13. _________is all about deriving conclusion from the data that have been analyzed.
  21. 14. Refers to the sum of all the given values or items in a distribution divided by the number of values or items.
  22. 15. The amount is compounded ______ when there are 2 conversion periods in a year.
  23. 24. is an interest wherein the principal bears an interest over a period.
  24. 22. ________is a branch of statistics that interprets and draws conclusions from a given set of data.