Sent help email forduplicate 5 times___/___/______/___/______/___/______/___/______/___/___Reached out toFoursquaresupport to removea duplicate_______________/___/___Reported aduplicatelisting on Yelp_______________/___/___Reported aduplicate onApple Maps_______________/___/___Worked with aBing rep toremove aduplicate_______________/___/___Created a duplicatein the Gmail for stepone of requestingaccess to asuppressed addressduplicate_______________/___/___Removed 3merchantduplicates_______________________________________Found 4listings at thesame addresson Google____________Removed achamberduplicate_______________/___/___Completed allVerification forone account inone week____________Successfullyremoved 3 GMBDash Duplicates byrequesting andgaining access_______________________________________Requested accessto a suppressedaddress listing onGMB_______________/___/___Worked on aduplicatesent over byOPTIMA@_______Removed amantaduplicate_______________/___/___Found anOffice Listing& Dr/Agentlisting__________Worked with anaccount managerto completeverification on anysites____________Marked alistinginactive onHotfrog_________Found 4listings at thesame addresson Bing____________Sent help email forduplicate 5 times___/___/______/___/______/___/______/___/______/___/___Reached out toFoursquaresupport to removea duplicate_______________/___/___Reported aduplicatelisting on Yelp_______________/___/___Reported aduplicate onApple Maps_______________/___/___Worked with aBing rep toremove aduplicate_______________/___/___Created a duplicatein the Gmail for stepone of requestingaccess to asuppressed addressduplicate_______________/___/___Removed 3merchantduplicates_______________________________________Found 4listings at thesame addresson Google____________Removed achamberduplicate_______________/___/___Completed allVerification forone account inone week____________Successfullyremoved 3 GMBDash Duplicates byrequesting andgaining access_______________________________________Requested accessto a suppressedaddress listing onGMB_______________/___/___Worked on aduplicatesent over byOPTIMA@_______Removed amantaduplicate_______________/___/___Found anOffice Listing& Dr/Agentlisting__________Worked with anaccount managerto completeverification on anysites____________Marked alistinginactive onHotfrog_________Found 4listings at thesame addresson Bing____________

Duplicate Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sent help email for duplicate 5 times ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___
  2. Reached out to Foursquare support to remove a duplicate ____________ ___/___/___
  3. Reported a duplicate listing on Yelp ____________ ___/___/___
  4. Reported a duplicate on Apple Maps ____________ ___/___/___
  5. Worked with a Bing rep to remove a duplicate ____________ ___/___/___
  6. Created a duplicate in the Gmail for step one of requesting access to a suppressed address duplicate ____________ ___/___/___
  7. Removed 3 merchant duplicates _____________ _____________ _____________
  8. Found 4 listings at the same address on Google ____________
  9. Removed a chamber duplicate ____________ ___/___/___
  10. Completed all Verification for one account in one week ____________
  11. Successfully removed 3 GMB Dash Duplicates by requesting and gaining access _____________ _____________ _____________
  12. Requested access to a suppressed address listing on GMB ____________ ___/___/___
  13. Worked on a duplicate sent over by OPTIMA@ _______
  14. Removed a manta duplicate ____________ ___/___/___
  15. Found an Office Listing & Dr/Agent listing __________
  16. Worked with an account manager to complete verification on any sites ____________
  17. Marked a listing inactive on Hotfrog _________
  18. Found 4 listings at the same address on Bing ____________