Bakedpancakes formore than 7friendsBuysregularlyvintageclothesWent to afootballstadium forfree as giftfrom friendHas playedcard gamesin more than3 languagesLeft on a tripwithoutinforminganyone outsideof the familyWas awardedany specialrecognition atuniversity/workenvironmentWatchesHalloweenmovies everyyear on the31. OctoberThinks thatsouvenirs arenot needed torememberabout a specialtripWas buriedunder thesand of abeach for funby friendsTries alwaysto be the laston leaving aparty even ifexhaustedOften playedhide andseek withfriendsWas beaten bya wasp/beewhile driving ona motorbikeKnows how toproperly trim atree to ensurea long life andblossomingStill switchesthesmartphoneduring aflightWas stuckon a lift forat least 20minutesHas lived in amountainhut/shelterwithout showerand electricityHas tried anauthenticRamen Soupfrom a goodJapaneseRestaurantHelpedsomeonehitchhikingby giving aliftGot told off duringan importantevent/conferencefor laughing orspeaking too loudSurpriseseveryone forbeing thetallest in thefamilyHas taken aflight withmore than 4connectionsPlayed Ageof EmpiresduringchildhoodIs not afraid ofdelivering publicspeeches and hasalready doneseveral timesHas a greatrelationshipwith theneighbors atyour family'shomeBakedpancakes formore than 7friendsBuysregularlyvintageclothesWent to afootballstadium forfree as giftfrom friendHas playedcard gamesin more than3 languagesLeft on a tripwithoutinforminganyone outsideof the familyWas awardedany specialrecognition atuniversity/workenvironmentWatchesHalloweenmovies everyyear on the31. OctoberThinks thatsouvenirs arenot needed torememberabout a specialtripWas buriedunder thesand of abeach for funby friendsTries alwaysto be the laston leaving aparty even ifexhaustedOften playedhide andseek withfriendsWas beaten bya wasp/beewhile driving ona motorbikeKnows how toproperly trim atree to ensurea long life andblossomingStill switchesthesmartphoneduring aflightWas stuckon a lift forat least 20minutesHas lived in amountainhut/shelterwithout showerand electricityHas tried anauthenticRamen Soupfrom a goodJapaneseRestaurantHelpedsomeonehitchhikingby giving aliftGot told off duringan importantevent/conferencefor laughing orspeaking too loudSurpriseseveryone forbeing thetallest in thefamilyHas taken aflight withmore than 4connectionsPlayed Ageof EmpiresduringchildhoodIs not afraid ofdelivering publicspeeches and hasalready doneseveral timesHas a greatrelationshipwith theneighbors atyour family'shome

Life is short to have regrets - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Baked pancakes for more than 7 friends
  2. Buys regularly vintage clothes
  3. Went to a football stadium for free as gift from friend
  4. Has played card games in more than 3 languages
  5. Left on a trip without informing anyone outside of the family
  6. Was awarded any special recognition at university/work environment
  7. Watches Halloween movies every year on the 31. October
  8. Thinks that souvenirs are not needed to remember about a special trip
  9. Was buried under the sand of a beach for fun by friends
  10. Tries always to be the last on leaving a party even if exhausted
  11. Often played hide and seek with friends
  12. Was beaten by a wasp/bee while driving on a motorbike
  13. Knows how to properly trim a tree to ensure a long life and blossoming
  14. Still switches the smartphone during a flight
  15. Was stuck on a lift for at least 20 minutes
  16. Has lived in a mountain hut/shelter without shower and electricity
  17. Has tried an authentic Ramen Soup from a good Japanese Restaurant
  18. Helped someone hitchhiking by giving a lift
  19. Got told off during an important event/conference for laughing or speaking too loud
  20. Surprises everyone for being the tallest in the family
  21. Has taken a flight with more than 4 connections
  22. Played Age of Empires during childhood
  23. Is not afraid of delivering public speeches and has already done several times
  24. Has a great relationship with the neighbors at your family's home