a friendwith anunusualpeta friendwho runstracka friendwho candoorigamia friend whois picturedon the walloutside 3 ormore timesa friend whotraveled outof the countryin the past 2yearsa friend withthe samebirthdaymonthaa friendwho likeshot saucea friendwith 2 ormoresiblingsa friend whowent out ofstate forspring breaka friendwho playslacrossea friend youhave 2 ormoreclasses witha friend withthe sameadvisor asyoua friendwho playssoccera friend whocan pat theirhead and rubtheir stomachat the sametimea friend whohad aspeakingpart in a playa friend whocarries anunusual itemin his/herbookbaga friend witha hiddentalent - ANDfind out whatthat talent isa friendwho playsbaseballa friendwho is acomputerwhiza friendwith similartastes inmusica friendwho playsaninstrumenta friendnotwearingshoelacesa friend whohas ceramicsor mediaproductionthis rotationa friendwho isshorterthan youa friendwho lovescaramela friendwho istaller thanyoua friendwho hascaught afisha friendwho hasmore than1 peta friendwho likesscarymoviesa friend whocan say thePledge ofAllegiance -SUPER FASTa friendwho is agooddancera friendwho hasbrowneyesa friend whotakes adifferent worldlanguageclass than youa friend whodid not go toelementaryschool withyoua friendwith anunusualpeta friendwho runstracka friendwho candoorigamia friend whois picturedon the walloutside 3 ormore timesa friend whotraveled outof the countryin the past 2yearsa friend withthe samebirthdaymonthaa friendwho likeshot saucea friendwith 2 ormoresiblingsa friend whowent out ofstate forspring breaka friendwho playslacrossea friend youhave 2 ormoreclasses witha friend withthe sameadvisor asyoua friendwho playssoccera friend whocan pat theirhead and rubtheir stomachat the sametimea friend whohad aspeakingpart in a playa friend whocarries anunusual itemin his/herbookbaga friend witha hiddentalent - ANDfind out whatthat talent isa friendwho playsbaseballa friendwho is acomputerwhiza friendwith similartastes inmusica friendwho playsaninstrumenta friendnotwearingshoelacesa friend whohas ceramicsor mediaproductionthis rotationa friendwho isshorterthan youa friendwho lovescaramela friendwho istaller thanyoua friendwho hascaught afisha friendwho hasmore than1 peta friendwho likesscarymoviesa friend whocan say thePledge ofAllegiance -SUPER FASTa friendwho is agooddancera friendwho hasbrowneyesa friend whotakes adifferent worldlanguageclass than youa friend whodid not go toelementaryschool withyou

Find That Sixth Grader! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a friend with an unusual pet
  2. a friend who runs track
  3. a friend who can do origami
  4. a friend who is pictured on the wall outside 3 or more times
  5. a friend who traveled out of the country in the past 2 years
  6. a
    a friend with the same birthday month
  7. a friend who likes hot sauce
  8. a friend with 2 or more siblings
  9. a friend who went out of state for spring break
  10. a friend who plays lacrosse
  11. a friend you have 2 or more classes with
  12. a friend with the same advisor as you
  13. a friend who plays soccer
  14. a friend who can pat their head and rub their stomach at the same time
  15. a friend who had a speaking part in a play
  16. a friend who carries an unusual item in his/her bookbag
  17. a friend with a hidden talent - AND find out what that talent is
  18. a friend who plays baseball
  19. a friend who is a computer whiz
  20. a friend with similar tastes in music
  21. a friend who plays an instrument
  22. a friend not wearing shoelaces
  23. a friend who has ceramics or media production this rotation
  24. a friend who is shorter than you
  25. a friend who loves caramel
  26. a friend who is taller than you
  27. a friend who has caught a fish
  28. a friend who has more than 1 pet
  29. a friend who likes scary movies
  30. a friend who can say the Pledge of Allegiance - SUPER FAST
  31. a friend who is a good dancer
  32. a friend who has brown eyes
  33. a friend who takes a different world language class than you
  34. a friend who did not go to elementary school with you