what issomething thatcan be used to—-somethingor someone?teleportationwhat was Dr.Reeper doingwhen Ringoand his friendstried to spookhim?he wasdoing anexperimentFree!what is thename of aperfectsociety?UtopianSocietywhat powersdosuperheroeshave?superpowerswhat is amachine calledthat can beused for timetravel?a timemachinewhat was thename of themean doctor inGeorge’sSecret Key tothe Universe?Dr.ReeperWhat is thename of thebook by LoisLowery?TheGiverwhat is asociety thatis not normalcalled?dystopiansocietywhat is adoorway orentrance intosomewherecalled?portalwho is theauthor ofGeorge’sSecret Key tothe Universe?StephenHawkingWhat do youcallcreaturesfrom outerspace?alienswhat is the name ofthe movie that is theinitials for the wordextraterrestrial andalso the name of amovie?E.T.prehistoriccreaturesdinosaurswhat is the nameof the movie thathas Robin Williamplay Alan and thathe has to play agame?Jumanjiwho wasGeorge’sgirlneighbor?AnnieWhat wasDr. Reeperand Erictrying tofind?aplanetwhat is thename of thecomputer inGeorge’sSecret Key tothe Universe?Cosmoswhat arecomputers,gadgets anddevicescalled?technologywhat do youcallcreaturesthat lookscary?monsterswhat issomethingthat orbitsoutside ourplanet?exoplanetwhat didEric getsuckedinto?a blackholewhat is the nameof the maincharacter in thebook George’sSecret Key to theUniverse?GeorgeWho wasGeorge’sscientistsfriend?How does a personact if they do not getenough sleep?Also, can beconsidered acreature from outerspace?zombiewhat issomething thatcan be used to—-somethingor someone?teleportationwhat was Dr.Reeper doingwhen Ringoand his friendstried to spookhim?he wasdoing anexperimentFree!what is thename of aperfectsociety?UtopianSocietywhat powersdosuperheroeshave?superpowerswhat is amachine calledthat can beused for timetravel?a timemachinewhat was thename of themean doctor inGeorge’sSecret Key tothe Universe?Dr.ReeperWhat is thename of thebook by LoisLowery?TheGiverwhat is asociety thatis not normalcalled?dystopiansocietywhat is adoorway orentrance intosomewherecalled?portalwho is theauthor ofGeorge’sSecret Key tothe Universe?StephenHawkingWhat do youcallcreaturesfrom outerspace?alienswhat is the name ofthe movie that is theinitials for the wordextraterrestrial andalso the name of amovie?E.T.prehistoriccreaturesdinosaurswhat is the nameof the movie thathas Robin Williamplay Alan and thathe has to play agame?Jumanjiwho wasGeorge’sgirlneighbor?AnnieWhat wasDr. Reeperand Erictrying tofind?aplanetwhat is thename of thecomputer inGeorge’sSecret Key tothe Universe?Cosmoswhat arecomputers,gadgets anddevicescalled?technologywhat do youcallcreaturesthat lookscary?monsterswhat issomethingthat orbitsoutside ourplanet?exoplanetwhat didEric getsuckedinto?a blackholewhat is the nameof the maincharacter in thebook George’sSecret Key to theUniverse?GeorgeWho wasGeorge’sscientistsfriend?How does a personact if they do not getenough sleep?Also, can beconsidered acreature from outerspace?zombie

Science Fiction Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. teleportation
    what is something that can be used to—-something or someone?
  2. he was doing an experiment
    what was Dr. Reeper doing when Ringo and his friends tried to spook him?
  3. Free!
  4. Utopian Society
    what is the name of a perfect society?
  5. superpowers
    what powers do superheroes have?
  6. a time machine
    what is a machine called that can be used for time travel?
  7. Dr. Reeper
    what was the name of the mean doctor in George’s Secret Key to the Universe?
  8. The Giver
    What is the name of the book by Lois Lowery?
  9. dystopian society
    what is a society that is not normal called?
  10. portal
    what is a doorway or entrance into somewhere called?
  11. Stephen Hawking
    who is the author of George’s Secret Key to the Universe?
  12. aliens
    What do you call creatures from outer space?
  13. E.T.
    what is the name of the movie that is the initials for the word extraterrestrial and also the name of a movie?
  14. dinosaurs
    prehistoric creatures
  15. Jumanji
    what is the name of the movie that has Robin William play Alan and that he has to play a game?
  16. Annie
    who was George’s girl neighbor?
  17. a planet
    What was Dr. Reeper and Eric trying to find?
  18. Cosmos
    what is the name of the computer in George’s Secret Key to the Universe?
  19. technology
    what are computers, gadgets and devices called?
  20. monsters
    what do you call creatures that look scary?
  21. exoplanet
    what is something that orbits outside our planet?
  22. a black hole
    what did Eric get sucked into?
  23. George
    what is the name of the main character in the book George’s Secret Key to the Universe?
  24. Who was George’s scientists friend?
  25. zombie
    How does a person act if they do not get enough sleep? Also, can be considered a creature from outer space?