Unrealisticexpectation on[marginaliseddemographic] thatthey don’t apply tothemselves.Backed upby theirprivilegedfriends.Denial of thelivedexperienceof theoppressed.Useshelplessness inthe wider issueto excusepersonalinaction.Tone policing/wages allyship onthe niceness of theoppressedtowards thempersonally.Takesdisagreementsas attack.Slippery slopefallacy/ “Wheredoes politicalcorrectnessend?”Says someone’sfeelings arevalid whiletotally ignoringthem.“You don’trepresent all[marginalisedgroup].”Centresthemselves in theargument/ uses apersonal issue togarner sympathy.Argues againstthedemographictheirdiscriminationaffects.Uses their livedexperience as anoppressor toprove/perpetuatea harmfulstereotype.Uses beingmarginalised indifferent areasto excusediscrimination.Victimblaming.Usesslurs/incorrectterminologywhile insistingthey’re notdiscriminatory.Uses reductionistdictionary definitionsof complexmanifestations ofsystemic oppressionto supportarguments.Uses the anger,frustration, andexhaustion ofoppressed people tosay they aren’tcalm/rational/logicalenough to be valid.“Science says…”quotes from bigoted,uninformed, prejudicedscience, whileneglecting toacknowledge theinherent whitesupremacy of science.“I have [person frommarginaliseddemographic] in myPMs telling me theyagree but don’twant to saypublicly.”Uses “feminist”/“leftist”/ “liberal”/“woke” or otherderivatives asslurs.Uses lovedones as ashield tosupportprejudicedview.Emphasises hearingboth sides as thoughhistorical andcontemporary societyhasn’t erasedmarginalised voices.Fails to understandnuances/ differencesbetween individual/institutional/ systemicprejudices.“Wealreadyhaveequality.”Unrealisticexpectation on[marginaliseddemographic] thatthey don’t apply tothemselves.Backed upby theirprivilegedfriends.Denial of thelivedexperienceof theoppressed.Useshelplessness inthe wider issueto excusepersonalinaction.Tone policing/wages allyship onthe niceness of theoppressedtowards thempersonally.Takesdisagreementsas attack.Slippery slopefallacy/ “Wheredoes politicalcorrectnessend?”Says someone’sfeelings arevalid whiletotally ignoringthem.“You don’trepresent all[marginalisedgroup].”Centresthemselves in theargument/ uses apersonal issue togarner sympathy.Argues againstthedemographictheirdiscriminationaffects.Uses their livedexperience as anoppressor toprove/perpetuatea harmfulstereotype.Uses beingmarginalised indifferent areasto excusediscrimination.Victimblaming.Usesslurs/incorrectterminologywhile insistingthey’re notdiscriminatory.Uses reductionistdictionary definitionsof complexmanifestations ofsystemic oppressionto supportarguments.Uses the anger,frustration, andexhaustion ofoppressed people tosay they aren’tcalm/rational/logicalenough to be valid.“Science says…”quotes from bigoted,uninformed, prejudicedscience, whileneglecting toacknowledge theinherent whitesupremacy of science.“I have [person frommarginaliseddemographic] in myPMs telling me theyagree but don’twant to saypublicly.”Uses “feminist”/“leftist”/ “liberal”/“woke” or otherderivatives asslurs.Uses lovedones as ashield tosupportprejudicedview.Emphasises hearingboth sides as thoughhistorical andcontemporary societyhasn’t erasedmarginalised voices.Fails to understandnuances/ differencesbetween individual/institutional/ systemicprejudices.“Wealreadyhaveequality.”

Internet discrimination bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Unrealistic expectation on [marginalised demographic] that they don’t apply to themselves.
  2. Backed up by their privileged friends.
  3. Denial of the lived experience of the oppressed.
  4. Uses helplessness in the wider issue to excuse personal inaction.
  5. Tone policing/ wages allyship on the niceness of the oppressed towards them personally.
  6. Takes disagreements as attack.
  7. Slippery slope fallacy/ “Where does political correctness end?”
  8. Says someone’s feelings are valid while totally ignoring them.
  9. “You don’t represent all [marginalised group].”
  10. Centres themselves in the argument/ uses a personal issue to garner sympathy.
  11. Argues against the demographic their discrimination affects.
  12. Uses their lived experience as an oppressor to prove/perpetuate a harmful stereotype.
  13. Uses being marginalised in different areas to excuse discrimination.
  14. Victim blaming.
  15. Uses slurs/incorrect terminology while insisting they’re not discriminatory.
  16. Uses reductionist dictionary definitions of complex manifestations of systemic oppression to support arguments.
  17. Uses the anger, frustration, and exhaustion of oppressed people to say they aren’t calm/rational/logical enough to be valid.
  18. “Science says…” quotes from bigoted, uninformed, prejudiced science, while neglecting to acknowledge the inherent white supremacy of science.
  19. “I have [person from marginalised demographic] in my PMs telling me they agree but don’t want to say publicly.”
  20. Uses “feminist”/ “leftist”/ “liberal”/ “woke” or other derivatives as slurs.
  21. Uses loved ones as a shield to support prejudiced view.
  22. Emphasises hearing both sides as though historical and contemporary society hasn’t erased marginalised voices.
  23. Fails to understand nuances/ differences between individual/ institutional/ systemic prejudices.
  24. “We already have equality.”