When implementingmy lesson plan, theprocess of exploringthe stability went wellas the children wereable to understand themeaning of stabilitythrough theirexploration experience.Having fewchildren in theclass allows theactivity to bemoremanageableFree!(4) The slidesshared by theother centres aredoing brilliant,creative andinnovative.I feel that theactivities are good asthey allow children toexplore, figure thingsout on their own aswell as stimulate theirsense of wonder andcuriosity.1) what went well was thekids are able to understandthat there are a few typesof bridges. 2) what can beimproved is that we needmore time and hugematerials as we are dealingwith the younger kids. 3)we have to make thestudent focus on jus1) Children areengaged 2) Childrenstart be criticalthinkers 3) nothing 4)interesting hands-onand outdoorexperiencesTeachers are veryinnovative andcreative inplanning andimplementing thelessonexperiencesits nice to see that theteachers did use differentstrategies on presentingtheir lesson, I believe that itwill be very engaging forchildren and they will findthe lesson fun andenjoyable at the same time.Children had so much funcreating their own ramp.More exploration andexperience for children. Ididn't removed any frommy lesson plan but childrenwere sharing their thoughtsand ideas. They gave ideasand experiences that canwe use in our clTeachers areacceptive andallows children tofreely explore withthe materialsprovided.All the lessonshave beeninteresting andengaging for thechildren!The course willbe smooth, andthis activity isgoing to explorestep by step.Very wellpreparedmore time should begiven for the childrento explore/ thechildren were allactive learners/sense of ownershipThe children wereable to tell theteacher whichstructure is stableand why it did notfell down after theycompleted it.1. at the endof the lesson,childrenunderstoodthe conceptWhen implementing thelesson plan, I provide thechildren with pictures ofvarious bridges. My initialplan was for them toduplicate the bridges fromthe pictures, but they find ita challenge and createdtheir own bridges usingrecycled materiaWhen implementingmy lesson plan, theprocess of exploringthe stability went wellas the children wereable to understand themeaning of stabilitythrough theirexploration experience.Having fewchildren in theclass allows theactivity to bemoremanageableFree!(4) The slidesshared by theother centres aredoing brilliant,creative andinnovative.I feel that theactivities are good asthey allow children toexplore, figure thingsout on their own aswell as stimulate theirsense of wonder andcuriosity.1) what went well was thekids are able to understandthat there are a few typesof bridges. 2) what can beimproved is that we needmore time and hugematerials as we are dealingwith the younger kids. 3)we have to make thestudent focus on jus1) Children areengaged 2) Childrenstart be criticalthinkers 3) nothing 4)interesting hands-onand outdoorexperiencesTeachers are veryinnovative andcreative inplanning andimplementing thelessonexperiencesits nice to see that theteachers did use differentstrategies on presentingtheir lesson, I believe that itwill be very engaging forchildren and they will findthe lesson fun andenjoyable at the same time.Children had so much funcreating their own ramp.More exploration andexperience for children. Ididn't removed any frommy lesson plan but childrenwere sharing their thoughtsand ideas. They gave ideasand experiences that canwe use in our clTeachers areacceptive andallows children tofreely explore withthe materialsprovided.All the lessonshave beeninteresting andengaging for thechildren!The course willbe smooth, andthis activity isgoing to explorestep by step.Very wellpreparedmore time should begiven for the childrento explore/ thechildren were allactive learners/sense of ownershipThe children wereable to tell theteacher whichstructure is stableand why it did notfell down after theycompleted it.1. at the endof the lesson,childrenunderstoodthe conceptWhen implementing thelesson plan, I provide thechildren with pictures ofvarious bridges. My initialplan was for them toduplicate the bridges fromthe pictures, but they find ita challenge and createdtheir own bridges usingrecycled materia

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. When implementing my lesson plan, the process of exploring the stability went well as the children were able to understand the meaning of stability through their exploration experience.
  2. Having few children in the class allows the activity to be more manageable
  3. Free!
  4. (4) The slides shared by the other centres are doing brilliant, creative and innovative.
  5. I feel that the activities are good as they allow children to explore, figure things out on their own as well as stimulate their sense of wonder and curiosity.
  6. 1) what went well was the kids are able to understand that there are a few types of bridges. 2) what can be improved is that we need more time and huge materials as we are dealing with the younger kids. 3) we have to make the student focus on jus
  7. 1) Children are engaged 2) Children start be critical thinkers 3) nothing 4) interesting hands-on and outdoor experiences
  8. Teachers are very innovative and creative in planning and implementing the lesson experiences
  9. its nice to see that the teachers did use different strategies on presenting their lesson, I believe that it will be very engaging for children and they will find the lesson fun and enjoyable at the same time.
  10. Children had so much fun creating their own ramp. More exploration and experience for children. I didn't removed any from my lesson plan but children were sharing their thoughts and ideas. They gave ideas and experiences that can we use in our cl
  11. Teachers are acceptive and allows children to freely explore with the materials provided.
  12. All the lessons have been interesting and engaging for the children!
  13. The course will be smooth, and this activity is going to explore step by step.
  14. Very well prepared
  15. more time should be given for the children to explore/ the children were all active learners/ sense of ownership
  16. The children were able to tell the teacher which structure is stable and why it did not fell down after they completed it.
  17. 1. at the end of the lesson, children understood the concept
  18. When implementing the lesson plan, I provide the children with pictures of various bridges. My initial plan was for them to duplicate the bridges from the pictures, but they find it a challenge and created their own bridges using recycled materia