Got my first DM fromsomebody saying I’vebeen following youfor ages that you’venever heard ofbefore. Followed by adream customerthat you didn'tfollow or engagewith first Over 300hashtags inyour hashtagbank andregularlygrowing Posted agrid post andto Stories fora monthconsistently Figuredout a newfeature onmy own A dream customershares your storyor recommendsyou on their feed Spent 15 minutes perday for 1 monthengaging with yourdream customerwhere they hang out(aka not on yourposts!) Taught someone elsein the groupsomething I'velearned on Instagram(this could be aseparate post or in acomment) Surpassed myfollower goal from thebeginning of thecourse and set a newgoal.(sharing it in thecommunity foraccountability)  Got my first DM fromsomebody saying I’vebeen following youfor ages that you’venever heard ofbefore. Followed by adream customerthat you didn'tfollow or engagewith first Over 300hashtags inyour hashtagbank andregularlygrowing Posted agrid post andto Stories fora monthconsistently Figuredout a newfeature onmy own A dream customershares your storyor recommendsyou on their feed Spent 15 minutes perday for 1 monthengaging with yourdream customerwhere they hang out(aka not on yourposts!) Taught someone elsein the groupsomething I'velearned on Instagram(this could be aseparate post or in acomment) Surpassed myfollower goal from thebeginning of thecourse and set a newgoal.(sharing it in thecommunity foraccountability) 

InstaMind Advanced Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Got my first DM from somebody saying I’ve been following you for ages that you’ve never heard of before.
  2. Followed by a dream customer that you didn't follow or engage with first
  3. Over 300 hashtags in your hashtag bank and regularly growing
  4. Posted a grid post and to Stories for a month consistently
  5. Figured out a new feature on my own
  6. A dream customer shares your story or recommends you on their feed
  7. Spent 15 minutes per day for 1 month engaging with your dream customer where they hang out (aka not on your posts!)
  8. Taught someone else in the group something I've learned on Instagram (this could be a separate post or in a comment)
  9. Surpassed my follower goal from the beginning of the course and set a new goal.(sharing it in the community for accountability)