Halo Infiniteshows upand itsGREATN64 games forSwitch Online!Only Shadowsof the Empireand Cruisin USAat launch!New collection ofSega Genesistitles announcedfor PS5 and XboxSeries platformsSony andMicrosoftdiscuss CHIPSHORTAGESAA title that didn'tmeet salesexpectationannounced forXbox Game PassPhil Spencerannouncesseveral 5-10year old titlescoming to XboxGame PassNo newnews aboutthatBayonetta 3!Dolby Visionannouncedfor somethingelse that isn'tBlu-ray!Sonyannounces aPS4 Pro slim totry and satiatePS5 demandWhatever Sonydoes, it doesn'taddress cross-platform God ofWar OR GranTurismoNew Star Warsgameannounced bya studio no onehas faith inIndiana Jonesgame trailershown without ahint ofgameplay. Thatmusic though!New Smashcharacterannounced....fromFire Emblem!!!Someone cracks ajoke about usbeing forced tostay and homeand play videogames!Segaannounces areboot of JetSet Radio: It's amobile gachagamePersona ports areannounced forXbox. Segacollects Switchowners' tears as acommodity to sell.Every singleconferencestarts with a "Itis GREAT TOBE BACK" lineAn obscure90s mascotplatformergetsrebootedSonicShuffle2Several missingNintendofranchises arereferences....onmilk cartonsLimited RunGames put outPyramid Patrolfor Switch....in aLaserdiscJacket!Netflixannounces agamepasscompetitorStar Ocean FirstDeparture getsported.....AGAIN!!Several indietitles I'venever heardof areshown!Halo Infiniteshows upand itsGREATN64 games forSwitch Online!Only Shadowsof the Empireand Cruisin USAat launch!New collection ofSega Genesistitles announcedfor PS5 and XboxSeries platformsSony andMicrosoftdiscuss CHIPSHORTAGESAA title that didn'tmeet salesexpectationannounced forXbox Game PassPhil Spencerannouncesseveral 5-10year old titlescoming to XboxGame PassNo newnews aboutthatBayonetta 3!Dolby Visionannouncedfor somethingelse that isn'tBlu-ray!Sonyannounces aPS4 Pro slim totry and satiatePS5 demandWhatever Sonydoes, it doesn'taddress cross-platform God ofWar OR GranTurismoNew Star Warsgameannounced bya studio no onehas faith inIndiana Jonesgame trailershown without ahint ofgameplay. Thatmusic though!New Smashcharacterannounced....fromFire Emblem!!!Someone cracks ajoke about usbeing forced tostay and homeand play videogames!Segaannounces areboot of JetSet Radio: It's amobile gachagamePersona ports areannounced forXbox. Segacollects Switchowners' tears as acommodity to sell.Every singleconferencestarts with a "Itis GREAT TOBE BACK" lineAn obscure90s mascotplatformergetsrebootedSonicShuffle2Several missingNintendofranchises arereferences....onmilk cartonsLimited RunGames put outPyramid Patrolfor Switch....in aLaserdiscJacket!Netflixannounces agamepasscompetitorStar Ocean FirstDeparture getsported.....AGAIN!!Several indietitles I'venever heardof areshown!

E3 in The Bad Place - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Halo Infinite shows up and its GREAT
  2. N64 games for Switch Online! Only Shadows of the Empire and Cruisin USA at launch!
  3. New collection of Sega Genesis titles announced for PS5 and Xbox Series platforms
  4. Sony and Microsoft discuss CHIP SHORTAGES
  5. AA title that didn't meet sales expectation announced for Xbox Game Pass
  6. Phil Spencer announces several 5-10 year old titles coming to Xbox Game Pass
  7. No new news about that Bayonetta 3!
  8. Dolby Vision announced for something else that isn't Blu-ray!
  9. Sony announces a PS4 Pro slim to try and satiate PS5 demand
  10. Whatever Sony does, it doesn't address cross-platform God of War OR Gran Turismo
  11. New Star Wars game announced by a studio no one has faith in
  12. Indiana Jones game trailer shown without a hint of gameplay. That music though!
  13. New Smash character announced....from Fire Emblem!!!
  14. Someone cracks a joke about us being forced to stay and home and play video games!
  15. Sega announces a reboot of Jet Set Radio: It's a mobile gacha game
  16. Persona ports are announced for Xbox. Sega collects Switch owners' tears as a commodity to sell.
  17. Every single conference starts with a "It is GREAT TO BE BACK" line
  18. An obscure 90s mascot platformer gets rebooted
  19. Sonic Shuffle 2
  20. Several missing Nintendo franchises are references....on milk cartons
  21. Limited Run Games put out Pyramid Patrol for Switch....in a Laserdisc Jacket!
  22. Netflix announces a gamepass competitor
  23. Star Ocean First Departure gets ported.....AGAIN!!
  24. Several indie titles I've never heard of are shown!