Another namefor loyalistswho supportedBritishGovernmentA colonistwho wantedto break freefrom Britain'sRuleA governmentwhere the powerand laws aremade by a singleperson called amonarch or kingThe colonistwere againsttaxes becausethey had no sayin BritishlawmakingFirst shotof therevolutionNicknamefor BritishSoldiersThe crime ofbetrayingone'scountryA bladeattached tothe end ofa musketTorefuseto obeyWhen alargenumber ofmuskets isfired at onceThelawmakersof BritishGovernmentA long thin rodthat pushedgunpowderdown the barrelof a musketThe group ofpatriots who metto talk about howthe coloniesshould deal withEnglandAnother name forthe patriots whofought against theBritish governmentfor independenceTo refuseto buy orsell goodsor servicescolonial soldierswho agreed tobe ready to fightthe British at aminute's noticeA treaty signedby both the U.S.and Britain thatended theRevolutionaryWarA colonistwhoremainedloyal toBritainA suddenor greatchangeName of thecolonistsoldiers ledby GeorgeWashingtonA group ofpatriotsorganized toprotest actionsof the BritishGovernmentA name thatreferred toBritish soldiersduring theRevolutionaryWarA type ofdemocraticgovernmentwhere peopleelect officials torepresent them.A group ofvolunteersoldiersAnother namefor loyalistswho supportedBritishGovernmentA colonistwho wantedto break freefrom Britain'sRuleA governmentwhere the powerand laws aremade by a singleperson called amonarch or kingThe colonistwere againsttaxes becausethey had no sayin BritishlawmakingFirst shotof therevolutionNicknamefor BritishSoldiersThe crime ofbetrayingone'scountryA bladeattached tothe end ofa musketTorefuseto obeyWhen alargenumber ofmuskets isfired at onceThelawmakersof BritishGovernmentA long thin rodthat pushedgunpowderdown the barrelof a musketThe group ofpatriots who metto talk about howthe coloniesshould deal withEnglandAnother name forthe patriots whofought against theBritish governmentfor independenceTo refuseto buy orsell goodsor servicescolonial soldierswho agreed tobe ready to fightthe British at aminute's noticeA treaty signedby both the U.S.and Britain thatended theRevolutionaryWarA colonistwhoremainedloyal toBritainA suddenor greatchangeName of thecolonistsoldiers ledby GeorgeWashingtonA group ofpatriotsorganized toprotest actionsof the BritishGovernmentA name thatreferred toBritish soldiersduring theRevolutionaryWarA type ofdemocraticgovernmentwhere peopleelect officials torepresent them.A group ofvolunteersoldiers

Revolutionary WAR - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Another name for loyalists who supported British Government
  2. A colonist who wanted to break free from Britain's Rule
  3. A government where the power and laws are made by a single person called a monarch or king
  4. The colonist were against taxes because they had no say in British lawmaking
  5. First shot of the revolution
  6. Nickname for British Soldiers
  7. The crime of betraying one's country
  8. A blade attached to the end of a musket
  9. To refuse to obey
  10. When a large number of muskets is fired at once
  11. The lawmakers of British Government
  12. A long thin rod that pushed gunpowder down the barrel of a musket
  13. The group of patriots who met to talk about how the colonies should deal with England
  14. Another name for the patriots who fought against the British government for independence
  15. To refuse to buy or sell goods or services
  16. colonial soldiers who agreed to be ready to fight the British at a minute's notice
  17. A treaty signed by both the U.S. and Britain that ended the Revolutionary War
  18. A colonist who remained loyal to Britain
  19. A sudden or great change
  20. Name of the colonist soldiers led by George Washington
  21. A group of patriots organized to protest actions of the British Government
  22. A name that referred to British soldiers during the Revolutionary War
  23. A type of democratic government where people elect officials to represent them.
  24. A group of volunteer soldiers