May seemeasilyfrustratedLearning in asecondlanguagecan befrustrating.May havepoorauditorymemoryMay seem to havepoor auditorymemory if soundsor words areunfamiliar or notwell understood.Slow to learnsound-symbolcorrespondenceConfusion withsound-symbolcorrespondencewhen it is differentthan in one’s firstlanguageConfusionwithfigurativelanguageConfusion withfigurative language,idioms, pronouns,conjunctions, andwords with multiplemeanings.Difficultyretelling astory insequenceDifficulty retelling a story inEnglish without theexpressive skills to do so;yet the student mightunderstand more than s/hecan convey (i.e., receptiveskills in English might bestronger than expressiveskills).DifficultyfollowingdirectionsDifficulty followingdirections becausethe directions werenot well understood;it can be harder toremember directionsin a secondlanguage.Slow toprocesschallenginglanguageSlow to processchallenginglanguagebecause it is notwell understood.DifficultywithphonologicalawarenessDifficulty auditorilydistinguishingbetween sounds notin one’s firstlanguage, or soundsthat are presented ina different order.Difficultyrememberingsight wordsDifficultyrememberingsight wordswhen wordmeanings arenot understood.May havedifficultyconcentratingLearning in a secondlanguage is mentallyexhausting;therefore, ELLs mayseem to havedifficultyconcentrating attimes.May seemeasilyfrustratedLearning in asecondlanguagecan befrustrating.May havepoorauditorymemoryMay seem to havepoor auditorymemory if soundsor words areunfamiliar or notwell understood.Slow to learnsound-symbolcorrespondenceConfusion withsound-symbolcorrespondencewhen it is differentthan in one’s firstlanguageConfusionwithfigurativelanguageConfusion withfigurative language,idioms, pronouns,conjunctions, andwords with multiplemeanings.Difficultyretelling astory insequenceDifficulty retelling a story inEnglish without theexpressive skills to do so;yet the student mightunderstand more than s/hecan convey (i.e., receptiveskills in English might bestronger than expressiveskills).DifficultyfollowingdirectionsDifficulty followingdirections becausethe directions werenot well understood;it can be harder toremember directionsin a secondlanguage.Slow toprocesschallenginglanguageSlow to processchallenginglanguagebecause it is notwell understood.DifficultywithphonologicalawarenessDifficulty auditorilydistinguishingbetween sounds notin one’s firstlanguage, or soundsthat are presented ina different order.Difficultyrememberingsight wordsDifficultyrememberingsight wordswhen wordmeanings arenot understood.May havedifficultyconcentratingLearning in a secondlanguage is mentallyexhausting;therefore, ELLs mayseem to havedifficultyconcentrating attimes.

Similarities Between LD and Language Acquisition Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Learning in a second language can be frustrating.
    May seem easily frustrated
  2. May seem to have poor auditory memory if sounds or words are unfamiliar or not well understood.
    May have poor auditory memory
  3. Confusion with sound-symbol correspondence when it is different than in one’s first language
    Slow to learn sound-symbol correspondence
  4. Confusion with figurative language, idioms, pronouns, conjunctions, and words with multiple meanings.
    Confusion with figurative language
  5. Difficulty retelling a story in English without the expressive skills to do so; yet the student might understand more than s/he can convey (i.e., receptive skills in English might be stronger than expressive skills).
    Difficulty retelling a story in sequence
  6. Difficulty following directions because the directions were not well understood; it can be harder to remember directions in a second language.
    Difficulty following directions
  7. Slow to process challenging language because it is not well understood.
    Slow to process challenging language
  8. Difficulty auditorily distinguishing between sounds not in one’s first language, or sounds that are presented in a different order.
    Difficulty with phonological awareness
  9. Difficulty remembering sight words when word meanings are not understood.
    Difficulty remembering sight words
  10. Learning in a second language is mentally exhausting; therefore, ELLs may seem to have difficulty concentrating at times.
    May have difficulty concentrating