Found a newhelpfulSEL/MTSS/PBISwebsite orresourceIdentified acurrent strengthin your school'sbehavior/PBISplanUsed avirtualbackgroundEngaged ina helpfulbreakoutroomdiscussionLearnedsomethingnew abouta cohortLearnedsomething newabout specialeducation inLCMS schoolsHavesomething non-work related tolook forward tothis summerFree!Saw a pet, child,or familymember onscreen during asynchronoussessionHave somethingnew you want toimplement fromthis class nextschool yearIdentified anMTSS indicatorto beginaddressing inyour settingIdentified astrength incurrent MTSSprocess inyour setting Discovered anewbehaviorstrategy toimplementReflected onadditional ways tointegrate SEL andbehavior withacademicstructures in yoursettingLearnedabout anew SELcurriculumTried tospeak whilemuted duringsynchronoussessionFound a newhelpfulSEL/MTSS/PBISwebsite orresourceIdentified acurrent strengthin your school'sbehavior/PBISplanUsed avirtualbackgroundEngaged ina helpfulbreakoutroomdiscussionLearnedsomethingnew abouta cohortLearnedsomething newabout specialeducation inLCMS schoolsHavesomething non-work related tolook forward tothis summerFree!Saw a pet, child,or familymember onscreen during asynchronoussessionHave somethingnew you want toimplement fromthis class nextschool yearIdentified anMTSS indicatorto beginaddressing inyour settingIdentified astrength incurrent MTSSprocess inyour setting Discovered anewbehaviorstrategy toimplementReflected onadditional ways tointegrate SEL andbehavior withacademicstructures in yoursettingLearnedabout anew SELcurriculumTried tospeak whilemuted duringsynchronoussession

EDSE 705 BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Found a new helpful SEL/MTSS/PBIS website or resource
  2. Identified a current strength in your school's behavior/PBIS plan
  3. Used a virtual background
  4. Engaged in a helpful breakout room discussion
  5. Learned something new about a cohort
  6. Learned something new about special education in LCMS schools
  7. Have something non-work related to look forward to this summer
  8. Free!
  9. Saw a pet, child, or family member on screen during a synchronous session
  10. Have something new you want to implement from this class next school year
  11. Identified an MTSS indicator to begin addressing in your setting
  12. Identified a strength in current MTSS process in your setting
  13. Discovered a new behavior strategy to implement
  14. Reflected on additional ways to integrate SEL and behavior with academic structures in your setting
  15. Learned about a new SEL curriculum
  16. Tried to speak while muted during synchronous session