I am goodat_______.Name apersonalaccomplishmentthat made youproud.Givesomeone inthe group ahigh five.Give thepersonacross fromyou acompliment.Share thegreatestcomplimentyou have everreceived.Talk aboutsomeoneyouadmire.Sharesomething thatyou would liketo do by haven’tdone yet.Complimentthe personto yourright.Share acharacteristicyou admireabout others.Stand upand leteveryonegive you anapplause.If you could befriends with anyfamous personin history whowould it be andwhy?Describeyourperfectvacation.Stand up and say:“I am ________(your name)and I can doanything I set mymind to”.I feel bestwhenpeople_______.Talk aboutthree thingsyou aregrateful for.Give acomplimentto the personto your left.Give acompliment tothe person youare sittingfurthest awayfrom.I amhappiestwhen I_______.Share ahappyevent inyour life.I feel good aboutmyself when_______________.Saysomethingpositiveaboutyourself.My favoritepart of theday is_______.Namesomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter at.Describesomethingsomeone coulddo to make youfeel happy.I am goodat_______.Name apersonalaccomplishmentthat made youproud.Givesomeone inthe group ahigh five.Give thepersonacross fromyou acompliment.Share thegreatestcomplimentyou have everreceived.Talk aboutsomeoneyouadmire.Sharesomething thatyou would liketo do by haven’tdone yet.Complimentthe personto yourright.Share acharacteristicyou admireabout others.Stand upand leteveryonegive you anapplause.If you could befriends with anyfamous personin history whowould it be andwhy?Describeyourperfectvacation.Stand up and say:“I am ________(your name)and I can doanything I set mymind to”.I feel bestwhenpeople_______.Talk aboutthree thingsyou aregrateful for.Give acomplimentto the personto your left.Give acompliment tothe person youare sittingfurthest awayfrom.I amhappiestwhen I_______.Share ahappyevent inyour life.I feel good aboutmyself when_______________.Saysomethingpositiveaboutyourself.My favoritepart of theday is_______.Namesomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter at.Describesomethingsomeone coulddo to make youfeel happy.

Self-Esteem - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I am good at_______.
  2. Name a personal accomplishment that made you proud.
  3. Give someone in the group a high five.
  4. Give the person across from you a compliment.
  5. Share the greatest compliment you have ever received.
  6. Talk about someone you admire.
  7. Share something that you would like to do by haven’t done yet.
  8. Compliment the person to your right.
  9. Share a characteristic you admire about others.
  10. Stand up and let everyone give you an applause.
  11. If you could be friends with any famous person in history who would it be and why?
  12. Describe your perfect vacation.
  13. Stand up and say: “I am ________ (your name) and I can do anything I set my mind to”.
  14. I feel best when people _______.
  15. Talk about three things you are grateful for.
  16. Give a compliment to the person to your left.
  17. Give a compliment to the person you are sitting furthest away from.
  18. I am happiest when I _______.
  19. Share a happy event in your life.
  20. I feel good about myself when _______________.
  21. Say something positive about yourself.
  22. My favorite part of the day is _______.
  23. Name something you would like to be better at.
  24. Describe something someone could do to make you feel happy.