5 immediatesupports thatcan provideto usersWhat is theLE email toprovide toCN user?How to handleCN caseswhich need tosubmit LEform?3 urgentissues ofCHPP thatneed WTOfferthreshold of1 night hotelstay to resoin Taiwan. Free!Report ofillegal drugin activereservation,WT/not?Offerthreshold of1 night hotelstay to resoin Shenzen.2 examplesthat allowyou to denythe warmtransferUser has aSafety ticketbut notreporting anynew incident3 info tocollect from3rd party forEIP case.A G lockedinside a roomby H. Can'tcall police.EIP/ not?5 steps whenyoucommunicatewithtransferringambassador3 pointsto qualifyCHPPMacro to applyfor Claimscases in HongKong for hostproperty.Report of camerasin kitchen, weredisclosed in listingdescription.WT/not?5 immediatesupports thatcan provideto usersWhat is theLE email toprovide toCN user?How to handleCN caseswhich need tosubmit LEform?3 urgentissues ofCHPP thatneed WTOfferthreshold of1 night hotelstay to resoin Taiwan.Free!Report ofillegal drugin activereservation,WT/not?Offerthreshold of1 night hotelstay to resoin Shenzen.2 examplesthat allowyou to denythe warmtransferUser has aSafety ticketbut notreporting anynew incident3 info tocollect from3rd party forEIP case.A G lockedinside a roomby H. Can'tcall police.EIP/ not?5 steps whenyoucommunicatewithtransferringambassador3 pointsto qualifyCHPPMacro to applyfor Claimscases in HongKong for hostproperty.Report of camerasin kitchen, weredisclosed in listingdescription.WT/not?


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 5 immediate supports that can provide to users
  2. What is the LE email to provide to CN user?
  3. How to handle CN cases which need to submit LE form?
  4. 3 urgent issues of CHPP that need WT
  5. Offer threshold of 1 night hotel stay to reso in Taiwan.
  6. Free!
  7. Report of illegal drug in active reservation, WT/not?
  8. Offer threshold of 1 night hotel stay to reso in Shenzen.
  9. 2 examples that allow you to deny the warm transfer
  10. User has a Safety ticket but not reporting any new incident
  11. 3 info to collect from 3rd party for EIP case.
  12. A G locked inside a room by H. Can't call police. EIP/ not?
  13. 5 steps when you communicate with transferring ambassador
  14. 3 points to qualify CHPP
  15. Macro to apply for Claims cases in Hong Kong for host property.
  16. Report of cameras in kitchen, were disclosed in listing description. WT/not?