Someonewho drinkscoffee ortea daily.Who drinksless than alitre of watera day.Someone whohas eaten awhole pizzabythemselves.Someone whoknows thenames of all theCanadianprovinces andterritories.Someone whocan textaccuratelywithout lookingat their phonescreen.Someonewho has rodea camel,horse, orelephant.Someonewho cando aback-flip.Someonewho cantouch theirtongue totheir nose.Someonewho knowswhen theWWI ended.Someonewho hasbeen to thecapital city ofBC.Who putsketchup onalmosteverything.Someone whocan cook anauthentic mealfrom aninternationalculture.Someone whocan tell you themost famousbattle forCanadiansduring WWI.Someonewho plays acompetitivesport.Someonewhoseparentsimmigratedto Canada.Someonewho reads orlistens to thenews daily.Someonewho has asevereallergy.Someoneborn in adifferentprovince.Someonewho enjoyssocialstudies.Someonewho likesbrusselssprouts.Someonewho hasgoneziplining.Someone whohas lived in adifferentcountry for aperiod of time.Someonewho can do30 pushupsin one go.Someonewho canspeak 2languagesfluently.Someonewho drinkscoffee ortea daily.Who drinksless than alitre of watera day.Someone whohas eaten awhole pizzabythemselves.Someone whoknows thenames of all theCanadianprovinces andterritories.Someone whocan textaccuratelywithout lookingat their phonescreen.Someonewho has rodea camel,horse, orelephant.Someonewho cando aback-flip.Someonewho cantouch theirtongue totheir nose.Someonewho knowswhen theWWI ended.Someonewho hasbeen to thecapital city ofBC.Who putsketchup onalmosteverything.Someone whocan cook anauthentic mealfrom aninternationalculture.Someone whocan tell you themost famousbattle forCanadiansduring WWI.Someonewho plays acompetitivesport.Someonewhoseparentsimmigratedto Canada.Someonewho reads orlistens to thenews daily.Someonewho has asevereallergy.Someoneborn in adifferentprovince.Someonewho enjoyssocialstudies.Someonewho likesbrusselssprouts.Someonewho hasgoneziplining.Someone whohas lived in adifferentcountry for aperiod of time.Someonewho can do30 pushupsin one go.Someonewho canspeak 2languagesfluently.

Intro. BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone who drinks coffee or tea daily.
  2. Who drinks less than a litre of water a day.
  3. Someone who has eaten a whole pizza by themselves.
  4. Someone who knows the names of all the Canadian provinces and territories.
  5. Someone who can text accurately without looking at their phone screen.
  6. Someone who has rode a camel, horse, or elephant.
  7. Someone who can do a back-flip.
  8. Someone who can touch their tongue to their nose.
  9. Someone who knows when the WWI ended.
  10. Someone who has been to the capital city of BC.
  11. Who puts ketchup on almost everything.
  12. Someone who can cook an authentic meal from an international culture.
  13. Someone who can tell you the most famous battle for Canadians during WWI.
  14. Someone who plays a competitive sport.
  15. Someone whose parents immigrated to Canada.
  16. Someone who reads or listens to the news daily.
  17. Someone who has a severe allergy.
  18. Someone born in a different province.
  19. Someone who enjoys social studies.
  20. Someone who likes brussels sprouts.
  21. Someone who has gone ziplining.
  22. Someone who has lived in a different country for a period of time.
  23. Someone who can do 30 pushups in one go.
  24. Someone who can speak 2 languages fluently.