Always three thereare. A Master and…two apprentices?Play againstsomeone with thesurname ‘Smith’.Never tell me theodds! Miss allattacks with a unitthat hits on 4+ orbetter (unit musthave at least 3attacks).Free!Up mysleevesOpponenthas a unitwith MMC.Wiz off! Any unit isrouted after beingtargeted only bymagic during thatshooting phase.Doubleparked Multicharge anenemy unit.Should ofpre rolledReroll a 1into a 1.My Eyes!!Opponentuses crazydice!Hero Ball One(or both!) playeris left with onlyheroes at theend of thegame.Snake eyesDevastatean enemyunit.Only ImperialStormtroopers areso precise A WarEngine hits with allof its attacks(yours oropponents).Deep richLore Fight afluffy/thematicarmy.Eiffel Tower!Charge anenemy unit withtwo of yoursfrom opposingsides.Clash of theTitans Twotitans ormonsters are inmelee witheach other.Defeat!Lose agame.Hogwarts School ofWitchcraft andWizardrySuccessfully cast 4different spells in asingle game betweenyou and youropponent.Are we thebaddies? Playagainst anarmy of thesamealignment.Tens ofthousandsOpponent hasa unit with FMCor higher.Victory!Win agame.BOOM! Rout aunit in meleeusing only ahero with asingle attack.Kerching!Double six anerve test afterdealing 1damage tothem.MulliganTableopponent orbe tabled.I object! Anobjective iscontested atthe end ofthe game.Who? Fightan army youhaven’tfoughtbefore.Reset theclock! Eitherplay runs outof time.Those aren’tbeautiful flyingwomen at all! Getflanked or rearcharged/flank orrear charge with aflying unit.Always three thereare. A Master and…two apprentices?Play againstsomeone with thesurname ‘Smith’.Never tell me theodds! Miss allattacks with a unitthat hits on 4+ orbetter (unit musthave at least 3attacks).Free!Up mysleevesOpponenthas a unitwith MMC.Wiz off! Any unit isrouted after beingtargeted only bymagic during thatshooting phase.Doubleparked Multicharge anenemy unit.Should ofpre rolledReroll a 1into a 1.My Eyes!!Opponentuses crazydice!Hero Ball One(or both!) playeris left with onlyheroes at theend of thegame.Snake eyesDevastatean enemyunit.Only ImperialStormtroopers areso precise A WarEngine hits with allof its attacks(yours oropponents).Deep richLore Fight afluffy/thematicarmy.Eiffel Tower!Charge anenemy unit withtwo of yoursfrom opposingsides.Clash of theTitans Twotitans ormonsters are inmelee witheach other.Defeat!Lose agame.Hogwarts School ofWitchcraft andWizardrySuccessfully cast 4different spells in asingle game betweenyou and youropponent.Are we thebaddies? Playagainst anarmy of thesamealignment.Tens ofthousandsOpponent hasa unit with FMCor higher.Victory!Win agame.BOOM! Rout aunit in meleeusing only ahero with asingle attack.Kerching!Double six anerve test afterdealing 1damage tothem.MulliganTableopponent orbe tabled.I object! Anobjective iscontested atthe end ofthe game.Who? Fightan army youhaven’tfoughtbefore.Reset theclock! Eitherplay runs outof time.Those aren’tbeautiful flyingwomen at all! Getflanked or rearcharged/flank orrear charge with aflying unit.

Tournament Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Always three there are. A Master and… two apprentices? Play against someone with the surname ‘Smith’.
  2. Never tell me the odds! Miss all attacks with a unit that hits on 4+ or better (unit must have at least 3 attacks).
  3. Free!
  4. Up my sleeves Opponent has a unit with MMC.
  5. Wiz off! Any unit is routed after being targeted only by magic during that shooting phase.
  6. Double parked Multi charge an enemy unit.
  7. Should of pre rolled Reroll a 1 into a 1.
  8. My Eyes!! Opponent uses crazy dice!
  9. Hero Ball One (or both!) player is left with only heroes at the end of the game.
  10. Snake eyes Devastate an enemy unit.
  11. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise A War Engine hits with all of its attacks (yours or opponents).
  12. Deep rich Lore Fight a fluffy/thematic army.
  13. Eiffel Tower! Charge an enemy unit with two of yours from opposing sides.
  14. Clash of the Titans Two titans or monsters are in melee with each other.
  15. Defeat! Lose a game.
  16. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Successfully cast 4 different spells in a single game between you and your opponent.
  17. Are we the baddies? Play against an army of the same alignment.
  18. Tens of thousands Opponent has a unit with FMC or higher.
  19. Victory! Win a game.
  20. BOOM! Rout a unit in melee using only a hero with a single attack.
  21. Kerching! Double six a nerve test after dealing 1 damage to them.
  22. Mulligan Table opponent or be tabled.
  23. I object! An objective is contested at the end of the game.
  24. Who? Fight an army you haven’t fought before.
  25. Reset the clock! Either play runs out of time.
  26. Those aren’t beautiful flying women at all! Get flanked or rear charged/flank or rear charge with a flying unit.