What specialgarmentsare worn onShabbat?What areyousupposed todo duringShabbat?What isspecialabout theHavdallahcandle?How manystars mustthere be in thesky for Shabbatto be over?What do weread insynagogueon Shabbat?What is theblessing forkiddush (saytheblessing)?How manyaliyot arethere onSaturdaymorning?How manycandles doyou light onShabbat?What isthis week'sTorahportion?What do youtell others onthe end ofShabbat?What is theblessing forchallah (saytheblessing)?WhendoesShabbatstart?Whatceremony doyou do at theend ofShabbat?Where doyou keeptheTorah?What are thethree thingsyou need forHavdallah?What is theweeklyportion of theTorah that weread called?What specialgarmentsare worn onShabbat?What areyousupposed todo duringShabbat?What isspecialabout theHavdallahcandle?How manystars mustthere be in thesky for Shabbatto be over?What do weread insynagogueon Shabbat?What is theblessing forkiddush (saytheblessing)?How manyaliyot arethere onSaturdaymorning?How manycandles doyou light onShabbat?What isthis week'sTorahportion?What do youtell others onthe end ofShabbat?What is theblessing forchallah (saytheblessing)?WhendoesShabbatstart?Whatceremony doyou do at theend ofShabbat?Where doyou keeptheTorah?What are thethree thingsyou need forHavdallah?What is theweeklyportion of theTorah that weread called?

Shabbat Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What special garments are worn on Shabbat?
  2. What are you supposed to do during Shabbat?
  3. What is special about the Havdallah candle?
  4. How many stars must there be in the sky for Shabbat to be over?
  5. What do we read in synagogue on Shabbat?
  6. What is the blessing for kiddush (say the blessing)?
  7. How many aliyot are there on Saturday morning?
  8. How many candles do you light on Shabbat?
  9. What is this week's Torah portion?
  10. What do you tell others on the end of Shabbat?
  11. What is the blessing for challah (say the blessing)?
  12. When does Shabbat start?
  13. What ceremony do you do at the end of Shabbat?
  14. Where do you keep the Torah?
  15. What are the three things you need for Havdallah?
  16. What is the weekly portion of the Torah that we read called?