I was aventriloquistthat entertainedin children'shospitals.My favoritemovie isTombstoneI started mycareer ineducationdriving aschool bus.I amallergic tomangos!I amterrifiedof cats!I’m acrazycouponlady.In high school Ialmost died from Ablooddisease/disorderand was treatedby an oncologistfor a year.I was the CorpsCommander ofFort Worth ISDJROTC mysenior year ofhigh schoolWhen I was inhigh school I waslabeled "Beast" forbeing thestrongest girl inathletics.I developed mylove of artbecause of abible mygrandmotherhad.I was captainof my highschool band.I was in FFA fortwo years andeven assistedin helping aheifer calf.My favoritesong isBrown EyedGirl by VanMorrison.I volunteeredwith the MissWashingtonand MissAmericapageants.I’ve beenon a Nilecruise.I can still doa cartwheeland a round-off.I have twochildrenthat are 18yrs apart.I attendprivateschool for2 years.I use tobarrel racein Jr. Highat RodeosI love towaterski.I playedadult kickballthis summer.I used to make myown magazines whenI was in Elementaryschool and try to sellthem to my friends.I went tomodelingschool.I did a month ofmy studentteaching at adual languageschool in Spain.I canwiggle myears backand forth.I like to ridemotorcyclesI've goneskydivingover theSwiss AlpsI change theoil in my carwhenneeded.I am ahuge fanof collegefootball!I grew up inMassachusetts.I have thesamebirthday asRonaldReagan.I hit a parkedtruck when abee flew intomy car.I have beenplaying thepiano since Iwas 7 yearsold.My appendixwas takenout when Iwas less thana week old.I was aventriloquistthat entertainedin children'shospitals.My favoritemovie isTombstoneI started mycareer ineducationdriving aschool bus.I amallergic tomangos!I amterrifiedof cats!I’m acrazycouponlady.In high school Ialmost died from Ablooddisease/disorderand was treatedby an oncologistfor a year.I was the CorpsCommander ofFort Worth ISDJROTC mysenior year ofhigh schoolWhen I was inhigh school I waslabeled "Beast" forbeing thestrongest girl inathletics.I developed mylove of artbecause of abible mygrandmotherhad.I was captainof my highschool band.I was in FFA fortwo years andeven assistedin helping aheifer calf.My favoritesong isBrown EyedGirl by VanMorrison.I volunteeredwith the MissWashingtonand MissAmericapageants.I’ve beenon a Nilecruise.I can still doa cartwheeland a round-off.I have twochildrenthat are 18yrs apart.I attendprivateschool for2 years.I use tobarrel racein Jr. Highat RodeosI love towaterski.I playedadult kickballthis summer.I used to make myown magazines whenI was in Elementaryschool and try to sellthem to my friends.I went tomodelingschool.I did a month ofmy studentteaching at adual languageschool in Spain.I canwiggle myears backand forth.I like to ridemotorcyclesI've goneskydivingover theSwiss AlpsI change theoil in my carwhenneeded.I am ahuge fanof collegefootball!I grew up inMassachusetts.I have thesamebirthday asRonaldReagan.I hit a parkedtruck when abee flew intomy car.I have beenplaying thepiano since Iwas 7 yearsold.My appendixwas takenout when Iwas less thana week old.

Shorthorn Staff Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I was a ventriloquist that entertained in children's hospitals.
  2. My favorite movie is Tombstone
  3. I started my career in education driving a school bus.
  4. I am allergic to mangos!
  5. I am terrified of cats!
  6. I’m a crazy coupon lady.
  7. In high school I almost died from A blood disease/disorder and was treated by an oncologist for a year.
  8. I was the Corps Commander of Fort Worth ISD JROTC my senior year of high school
  9. When I was in high school I was labeled "Beast" for being the strongest girl in athletics.
  10. I developed my love of art because of a bible my grandmother had.
  11. I was captain of my high school band.
  12. I was in FFA for two years and even assisted in helping a heifer calf.
  13. My favorite song is Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison.
  14. I volunteered with the Miss Washington and Miss America pageants.
  15. I’ve been on a Nile cruise.
  16. I can still do a cartwheel and a round-off.
  17. I have two children that are 18 yrs apart.
  18. I attend private school for 2 years.
  19. I use to barrel race in Jr. High at Rodeos
  20. I love to water ski.
  21. I played adult kickball this summer.
  22. I used to make my own magazines when I was in Elementary school and try to sell them to my friends.
  23. I went to modeling school.
  24. I did a month of my student teaching at a dual language school in Spain.
  25. I can wiggle my ears back and forth.
  26. I like to ride motorcycles
  27. I've gone skydiving over the Swiss Alps
  28. I change the oil in my car when needed.
  29. I am a huge fan of college football!
  30. I grew up in Massachusetts.
  31. I have the same birthday as Ronald Reagan.
  32. I hit a parked truck when a bee flew into my car.
  33. I have been playing the piano since I was 7 years old.
  34. My appendix was taken out when I was less than a week old.