Listen to a PodCaston a Career-relatedtopic of interest toyou. As analternative: WatchNavigating yourCareer Presentationfrom Discover DaysTake adataanalyticcourseCompleted 2ndthird ofStorytelling inData AnalyticsBeginner badgeComplete final3rd ofStorytelling inData AnalyticsBeginner badgeUpdateLinkedInprofileRead abook onrelated toinnovationIdentify 2 meetingsthat you areattending in additionto others withinFinOps and insteadof attending, findalternative method tosupport.Create aGeneralDevelopmentPlanComplete theRace andEthnicity Pathin the D&ILearningPathwayInboxto zeroCompleteaccessibiltytraining/badgeLearn fromothers! Reachout to an expertand ask themto teach mePay itForward!Complete 1stthird ofStorytelling inData AnalyticsBeginner badgeListen topodcase tofurther improvehighperformancehabitsShare Knowledge:Post at least 5learnings,accomplishments,events etc. on WWFinOps SiteDedicate 1 houreach week for amonth toLearning orDevelopmentTake a skillbased trainingor read anarticle from anexpert!Pick 1 competency atyour career stagelevel to develop andmaster and show 1instance where thatwas intentionally putin practiceHold aninformationalInterviewTake a skillbased trainingor read anarticle from anexpert!Find anexternalmentorAsk forfeedbackfrom aColleagueAchieve aLinkedIn ProfileStrength of"Expert" orhigherListen to a PodCaston a Career-relatedtopic of interest toyou. As analternative: WatchNavigating yourCareer Presentationfrom Discover DaysTake adataanalyticcourseCompleted 2ndthird ofStorytelling inData AnalyticsBeginner badgeComplete final3rd ofStorytelling inData AnalyticsBeginner badgeUpdateLinkedInprofileRead abook onrelated toinnovationIdentify 2 meetingsthat you areattending in additionto others withinFinOps and insteadof attending, findalternative method tosupport.Create aGeneralDevelopmentPlanComplete theRace andEthnicity Pathin the D&ILearningPathwayInboxto zeroCompleteaccessibiltytraining/badgeLearn fromothers! Reachout to an expertand ask themto teach mePay itForward!Complete 1stthird ofStorytelling inData AnalyticsBeginner badgeListen topodcase tofurther improvehighperformancehabitsShare Knowledge:Post at least 5learnings,accomplishments,events etc. on WWFinOps SiteDedicate 1 houreach week for amonth toLearning orDevelopmentTake a skillbased trainingor read anarticle from anexpert!Pick 1 competency atyour career stagelevel to develop andmaster and show 1instance where thatwas intentionally putin practiceHold aninformationalInterviewTake a skillbased trainingor read anarticle from anexpert!Find anexternalmentorAsk forfeedbackfrom aColleagueAchieve aLinkedIn ProfileStrength of"Expert" orhigher

DeAnn's Bingo Card - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Listen to a PodCast on a Career-related topic of interest to you. As an alternative: Watch Navigating your Career Presentation from Discover Days
  2. Take a data analytic course
  3. Completed 2nd third of Storytelling in Data Analytics Beginner badge
  4. Complete final 3rd of Storytelling in Data Analytics Beginner badge
  5. Update LinkedIn profile
  6. Read a book on related to innovation
  7. Identify 2 meetings that you are attending in addition to others within FinOps and instead of attending, find alternative method to support.
  8. Create a General Development Plan
  9. Complete the Race and Ethnicity Path in the D&I Learning Pathway
  10. Inbox to zero
  11. Complete accessibilty training/badge
  12. Learn from others! Reach out to an expert and ask them to teach me
  13. Pay it Forward!
  14. Complete 1st third of Storytelling in Data Analytics Beginner badge
  15. Listen to podcase to further improve high performance habits
  16. Share Knowledge: Post at least 5 learnings, accomplishments, events etc. on WW FinOps Site
  17. Dedicate 1 hour each week for a month to Learning or Development
  18. Take a skill based training or read an article from an expert!
  19. Pick 1 competency at your career stage level to develop and master and show 1 instance where that was intentionally put in practice
  20. Hold an informational Interview
  21. Take a skill based training or read an article from an expert!
  22. Find an external mentor
  23. Ask for feedback from a Colleague
  24. Achieve a LinkedIn Profile Strength of "Expert" or higher