While recoveringfrom surgeries,this artist taughtherself to paint.The "Father ofModern Science"also discoveredthe 4 largestmoons of Jupiter.Young girlwho keepsdiary whilehiding fromthe Nazis.He drove anambulance inWWI, lovedtrains, andcreated MickeyMouse.Born a slave, this manbecomes a collegeprofessor teachingfarmers how to plantpeanuts and sweetpotatoes to replenishthe soil after years ofgrowing cotton.As the 44thpresident of theUS, he was thefirst AfricanAmerican to holdthe position.He collected seedsfrom his ciderpresses beforeheading west andplanting them for thepioneers who wouldfollow his route foryears to come.She observedthe behaviors ofchimpanzees byliving as theirneighbor.A young girlattending school inPakistan was shotin the face by theTaliban-a terroristgroup.A leader inIndia whoworked toliberate Indiafrom Britishrule.As the 26thpresident, herenamed theexecutive mansion asthe White House andstarted the NationalParks System.Considered himselfdeaf, this inventorcreated a light bulb,phonograph, andmotion pictures.He wrote poemsand plays. Hisworks includeRomeo and Julietand Hamlet just toname a few.She was the firstwoman to fly soloacross the Atlantic toEurope. Shedisappeared whiletrying to fly aroundthe world.An Indian chief whounited the Siouxtribes against the USgovernment in thebattles for control ofthe Black Hills ofSouth Dakota.He was aheavyweightboxingchampionknown as "theGreatest."Blinded at age 3 inan accident, heinvented a systemof writing for theblind.This foundingfather found onthe $10 bill waskilled in a duelwith Aaron Burr.He started hiscandy businesswith caramelsbefore switchingto chocolate.While sitting on adelayed train, thisauthor conceivedher idea to writeabout a school forwizards.He tutored ayoung HelenKeller beforeinventing thetelephone.They invented,built, and flewthe firstsuccessfulmotor-operatedairplane.She was a self-taught nurseduring the CivilWar and laterfounded theAmerican RedCross.Collected oralstories andcreated acollection of fairytales for childrenand adults.This womanworked tohelp womenget the rightto vote.Edward Teachwas a piratealong theeastern coastof the UnitedStates.Used anassembly lineto speed upproduction ofhis Model Tcars.She lost hersense of sightand hearingafter surviving"brain fever."This scientistwas the firstwoman to winthe Nobel Prizefor her work onradioactivity.While recoveringfrom surgeries,this artist taughtherself to paint.The "Father ofModern Science"also discoveredthe 4 largestmoons of Jupiter.Young girlwho keepsdiary whilehiding fromthe Nazis.He drove anambulance inWWI, lovedtrains, andcreated MickeyMouse.Born a slave, this manbecomes a collegeprofessor teachingfarmers how to plantpeanuts and sweetpotatoes to replenishthe soil after years ofgrowing cotton.As the 44thpresident of theUS, he was thefirst AfricanAmerican to holdthe position.He collected seedsfrom his ciderpresses beforeheading west andplanting them for thepioneers who wouldfollow his route foryears to come.She observedthe behaviors ofchimpanzees byliving as theirneighbor.A young girlattending school inPakistan was shotin the face by theTaliban-a terroristgroup.A leader inIndia whoworked toliberate Indiafrom Britishrule.As the 26thpresident, herenamed theexecutive mansion asthe White House andstarted the NationalParks System.Considered himselfdeaf, this inventorcreated a light bulb,phonograph, andmotion pictures.He wrote poemsand plays. Hisworks includeRomeo and Julietand Hamlet just toname a few.She was the firstwoman to fly soloacross the Atlantic toEurope. Shedisappeared whiletrying to fly aroundthe world.An Indian chief whounited the Siouxtribes against the USgovernment in thebattles for control ofthe Black Hills ofSouth Dakota.He was aheavyweightboxingchampionknown as "theGreatest."Blinded at age 3 inan accident, heinvented a systemof writing for theblind.This foundingfather found onthe $10 bill waskilled in a duelwith Aaron Burr.He started hiscandy businesswith caramelsbefore switchingto chocolate.While sitting on adelayed train, thisauthor conceivedher idea to writeabout a school forwizards.He tutored ayoung HelenKeller beforeinventing thetelephone.They invented,built, and flewthe firstsuccessfulmotor-operatedairplane.She was a self-taught nurseduring the CivilWar and laterfounded theAmerican RedCross.Collected oralstories andcreated acollection of fairytales for childrenand adults.This womanworked tohelp womenget the rightto vote.Edward Teachwas a piratealong theeastern coastof the UnitedStates.Used anassembly lineto speed upproduction ofhis Model Tcars.She lost hersense of sightand hearingafter surviving"brain fever."This scientistwas the firstwoman to winthe Nobel Prizefor her work onradioactivity.

Who Was? Biography BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. While recovering from surgeries, this artist taught herself to paint.
  2. The "Father of Modern Science" also discovered the 4 largest moons of Jupiter.
  3. Young girl who keeps diary while hiding from the Nazis.
  4. He drove an ambulance in WWI, loved trains, and created Mickey Mouse.
  5. Born a slave, this man becomes a college professor teaching farmers how to plant peanuts and sweet potatoes to replenish the soil after years of growing cotton.
  6. As the 44th president of the US, he was the first African American to hold the position.
  7. He collected seeds from his cider presses before heading west and planting them for the pioneers who would follow his route for years to come.
  8. She observed the behaviors of chimpanzees by living as their neighbor.
  9. A young girl attending school in Pakistan was shot in the face by the Taliban-a terrorist group.
  10. A leader in India who worked to liberate India from British rule.
  11. As the 26th president, he renamed the executive mansion as the White House and started the National Parks System.
  12. Considered himself deaf, this inventor created a light bulb, phonograph, and motion pictures.
  13. He wrote poems and plays. His works include Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet just to name a few.
  14. She was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic to Europe. She disappeared while trying to fly around the world.
  15. An Indian chief who united the Sioux tribes against the US government in the battles for control of the Black Hills of South Dakota.
  16. He was a heavyweight boxing champion known as "the Greatest."
  17. Blinded at age 3 in an accident, he invented a system of writing for the blind.
  18. This founding father found on the $10 bill was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.
  19. He started his candy business with caramels before switching to chocolate.
  20. While sitting on a delayed train, this author conceived her idea to write about a school for wizards.
  21. He tutored a young Helen Keller before inventing the telephone.
  22. They invented, built, and flew the first successful motor-operated airplane.
  23. She was a self-taught nurse during the Civil War and later founded the American Red Cross.
  24. Collected oral stories and created a collection of fairy tales for children and adults.
  25. This woman worked to help women get the right to vote.
  26. Edward Teach was a pirate along the eastern coast of the United States.
  27. Used an assembly line to speed up production of his Model T cars.
  28. She lost her sense of sight and hearing after surviving "brain fever."
  29. This scientist was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for her work on radioactivity.