Giant coconutcrab, canconvert allthings shinyand valuable,villainLeader ofthe HunArmy , Has apet /sidekickfalconRoyal advisor,voiced by Mr.Bean,“BananaBeack”Storekeeper,“hoo-hoo”,name OakenCon-man,suffers fromPTSD from amuzzle, he is“foxy”Son ofMrs.Potts,tranfoms into ayoung boy, hisnose is ahandleSignificant othername is Angel,they resembles aBlue koala, Aliennumber :Experiment 626He is the villageinventor, Has adaughter, livesin a cottage in afrench villagebraces, redhair withpigtails, is a“fish killer”Significantother Simba,is a Queen,Has threekidsCan change thecolor of thier skinto fit thiersurroundings ,best friend’s withRapunzel, tiny butmightyThe leader of theFish- friendlySharks supportgroup, Just wantsone bite ,has verypointy and sharpteethHis significantother is afeatherduster,he is french ,Lives in theBeast’s CastleWas purchase bythe dentist of ofebay, Sticks to theglass of the fishtank, in a shape ofa starNickname max,likes apples,Mascot of theCorona RoyalGuardUses the SundropFlower to lookyounger , has longblack curly hair ,Manipulative andvainDating Nani, Likessufing,“Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh”his nameis fast buthe is slowLilo’s rival,Lilo beatsher up, haslarge blueglassesMilitary General,Father killed inbattle, Was NOTin the live actionmoiveMelts in the sunlightbut loves summer,has a carrot for anose, wasinanimate butcomes to life withmagicNickname BoatSnack, Namemeans Chicken inMāori , Likes toswallow rocks andinedible objectsVoiced by EddieMurphy, shootfire from mouth,Eastern DragronSignificantother Nala, Hasthree kids, Maincharacter ofLion KingGiant coconutcrab, canconvert allthings shinyand valuable,villainLeader ofthe HunArmy , Has apet /sidekickfalconRoyal advisor,voiced by Mr.Bean,“BananaBeack”Storekeeper,“hoo-hoo”,name OakenCon-man,suffers fromPTSD from amuzzle, he is“foxy”Son ofMrs.Potts,tranfoms into ayoung boy, hisnose is ahandleSignificant othername is Angel,they resembles aBlue koala, Aliennumber :Experiment 626He is the villageinventor, Has adaughter, livesin a cottage in afrench villagebraces, redhair withpigtails, is a“fish killer”Significantother Simba,is a Queen,Has threekidsCan change thecolor of thier skinto fit thiersurroundings ,best friend’s withRapunzel, tiny butmightyThe leader of theFish- friendlySharks supportgroup, Just wantsone bite ,has verypointy and sharpteethHis significantother is afeatherduster,he is french ,Lives in theBeast’s CastleWas purchase bythe dentist of ofebay, Sticks to theglass of the fishtank, in a shape ofa starNickname max,likes apples,Mascot of theCorona RoyalGuardUses the SundropFlower to lookyounger , has longblack curly hair ,Manipulative andvainDating Nani, Likessufing,“Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh”his nameis fast buthe is slowLilo’s rival,Lilo beatsher up, haslarge blueglassesMilitary General,Father killed inbattle, Was NOTin the live actionmoiveMelts in the sunlightbut loves summer,has a carrot for anose, wasinanimate butcomes to life withmagicNickname BoatSnack, Namemeans Chicken inMāori , Likes toswallow rocks andinedible objectsVoiced by EddieMurphy, shootfire from mouth,Eastern DragronSignificantother Nala, Hasthree kids, Maincharacter ofLion King

Disney Characters - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Giant coconut crab, can convert all things shiny and valuable, villain
  2. Leader of the Hun Army , Has a pet /sidekick falcon
  3. Royal advisor, voiced by Mr. Bean, “Banana Beack”
  4. Storekeeper, “hoo-hoo”, name Oaken
  5. Con-man, suffers from PTSD from a muzzle, he is “foxy”
  6. Son of Mrs.Potts, tranfoms into a young boy, his nose is a handle
  7. Significant other name is Angel, they resembles a Blue koala, Alien number : Experiment 626
  8. He is the village inventor, Has a daughter, lives in a cottage in a french village
  9. braces, red hair with pigtails, is a “fish killer”
  10. Significant other Simba, is a Queen, Has three kids
  11. Can change the color of thier skin to fit thier surroundings , best friend’s with Rapunzel, tiny but mighty
  12. The leader of the Fish- friendly Sharks support group, Just wants one bite ,has very pointy and sharp teeth
  13. His significant other is a featherduster, he is french , Lives in the Beast’s Castle
  14. Was purchase by the dentist of of ebay, Sticks to the glass of the fish tank, in a shape of a star
  15. Nickname max, likes apples, Mascot of the Corona Royal Guard
  16. Uses the Sundrop Flower to look younger , has long black curly hair , Manipulative and vain
  17. Dating Nani, Likes sufing, “Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh”
  18. his name is fast but he is slow
  19. Lilo’s rival, Lilo beats her up, has large blue glasses
  20. Military General, Father killed in battle, Was NOT in the live action moive
  21. Melts in the sunlight but loves summer, has a carrot for a nose, was inanimate but comes to life with magic
  22. Nickname Boat Snack, Name means Chicken in Māori , Likes to swallow rocks and inedible objects
  23. Voiced by Eddie Murphy, shoot fire from mouth, Eastern Dragron
  24. Significant other Nala, Has three kids, Main character of Lion King