Wawa orRoyal Farmsstall has notoilet paperYou setup apatient'sDMEYou lose bits ofyour lunchbetween yourseat and centerconsoleYou needto do a fallreport ormed changeYou stepin a sticky,notidentifiablesubstancePatient isshowingtoo muchskinYou get thruthe whole daywith only onebathroom stopPT, SN orST stealsyour visittimeYousneezein yourmaskYou startthe day withmore than 6pointsYou skipthe COVIDpre-visitscreeningcallLastminutecancelYou haveevaluatedthe samepatient morethan 2 timesPatient hasa post-it ontheir doorwith entryinstructionsYou mutterexpletivesin yourmaskCommute timegreater than30 minutesbetweenpatientsYou getassignedan OT66No answerto knockingor call for ascheduledvisitPatientscreepyson makesoff-colorcommentsGas tankis less than1/4 full tostart the dayYour patientrefusesOT becausethey areretired anddon't wanta jobYouseebugsYou listenintently toevery secondof the dailyhuddleMaggie refersto herself inthe 3rdpersonon TeamsWawa orRoyal Farmsstall has notoilet paperYou setup apatient'sDMEYou lose bits ofyour lunchbetween yourseat and centerconsoleYou needto do a fallreport ormed changeYou stepin a sticky,notidentifiablesubstancePatient isshowingtoo muchskinYou get thruthe whole daywith only onebathroom stopPT, SN orST stealsyour visittimeYousneezein yourmaskYou startthe day withmore than 6pointsYou skipthe COVIDpre-visitscreeningcallLastminutecancelYou haveevaluatedthe samepatient morethan 2 timesPatient hasa post-it ontheir doorwith entryinstructionsYou mutterexpletivesin yourmaskCommute timegreater than30 minutesbetweenpatientsYou getassignedan OT66No answerto knockingor call for ascheduledvisitPatientscreepyson makesoff-colorcommentsGas tankis less than1/4 full tostart the dayYour patientrefusesOT becausethey areretired anddon't wanta jobYouseebugsYou listenintently toevery secondof the dailyhuddleMaggie refersto herself inthe 3rdpersonon Teams

Sally's Sussex County Home Health Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Wawa or Royal Farms stall has no toilet paper
  2. You set up a patient's DME
  3. You lose bits of your lunch between your seat and center console
  4. You need to do a fall report or med change
  5. You step in a sticky, not identifiable substance
  6. Patient is showing too much skin
  7. You get thru the whole day with only one bathroom stop
  8. PT, SN or ST steals your visit time
  9. You sneeze in your mask
  10. You start the day with more than 6 points
  11. You skip the COVID pre-visit screening call
  12. Last minute cancel
  13. You have evaluated the same patient more than 2 times
  14. Patient has a post-it on their door with entry instructions
  15. You mutter expletives in your mask
  16. Commute time greater than 30 minutes between patients
  17. You get assigned an OT66
  18. No answer to knocking or call for a scheduled visit
  19. Patients creepy son makes off-color comments
  20. Gas tank is less than 1/4 full to start the day
  21. Your patient refuses OT because they are retired and don't want a job
  22. You see bugs
  23. You listen intently to every second of the daily huddle
  24. Maggie refers to herself in the 3rd person on Teams