Got 2unskippableads whenscreensharinga YouTubevideo.Ate anotherteacherslunchcompletelyGot calledmom by astudentForgot toMute when aBullet passedby During aTestSend theWrong Personthe WrongMessage onChat.EnabledPrivateChat byAccident.Scared classby saying thatyou will checkworkbook butnever didShowedDiagrams theWhole Classand thenrealized theVideo was offGottennervous foranobservationAccidentallyRemoved aStudent.Told twoClasses a Storyfrom your EarlyTeaching Daysin a dayGave 2PEperiods ina Day.Mispronounceda Student'sname morethan once.Free!Sung aSongwhen noton MuteCalled astudent bytheirnickname.Finished a fullConcept only torealize youwere on mutethe whole time.Spent a WholeClass clarifyingdoubts with notest in the nextweekJoined theStudentsfor a gamein PE.Permanentlymuted a classbecause theywere toonoisyGot 2unskippableads whenscreensharinga YouTubevideo.Ate anotherteacherslunchcompletelyGot calledmom by astudentForgot toMute when aBullet passedby During aTestSend theWrong Personthe WrongMessage onChat.EnabledPrivateChat byAccident.Scared classby saying thatyou will checkworkbook butnever didShowedDiagrams theWhole Classand thenrealized theVideo was offGottennervous foranobservationAccidentallyRemoved aStudent.Told twoClasses a Storyfrom your EarlyTeaching Daysin a dayGave 2PEperiods ina Day.Mispronounceda Student'sname morethan once.Free!Sung aSongwhen noton MuteCalled astudent bytheirnickname.Finished a fullConcept only torealize youwere on mutethe whole time.Spent a WholeClass clarifyingdoubts with notest in the nextweekJoined theStudentsfor a gamein PE.Permanentlymuted a classbecause theywere toonoisy

Sishu Griha Teachers Bingo 2021 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Got 2 unskippable ads when screensharing a YouTube video.
  2. Ate another teachers lunch completely
  3. Got called mom by a student
  4. Forgot to Mute when a Bullet passed by During a Test
  5. Send the Wrong Person the Wrong Message on Chat.
  6. Enabled Private Chat by Accident.
  7. Scared class by saying that you will check workbook but never did
  8. Showed Diagrams the Whole Class and then realized the Video was off
  9. Gotten nervous for an observation
  10. Accidentally Removed a Student.
  11. Told two Classes a Story from your Early Teaching Days in a day
  12. Gave 2 PE periods in a Day.
  13. Mispronounced a Student's name more than once.
  14. Free!
  15. Sung a Song when not on Mute
  16. Called a student by their nickname.
  17. Finished a full Concept only to realize you were on mute the whole time.
  18. Spent a Whole Class clarifying doubts with no test in the next week
  19. Joined the Students for a game in PE.
  20. Permanently muted a class because they were too noisy