* Is superexcited tobe here* Took morethen twodifferent types ofteatransportation toreach Malta* Hasparticipatedin a IYCSand/or IMCSevent* Firsttime inMalta*Studies/hasstudiedsocialstudies* Hasbeen toMaltabefore*SpeaksSpanish* Hasone petor more* Has beenin more than5 Europeancountries* Would getinvolved in afutureEuropeanactivity* Has done aschool/uniexchange toanothercountry* Has brought atypicalfood/snack forthe interculturalevening* Had ajourney toMalta longerthan 5h* Is/was anationalleader amemberorganisation* Already wentswimming inthe sea sincearriving inMalta* Hasalready beenat a JECI-MIEC activity* Is superexcited tobe here* Took morethen twodifferent types ofteatransportation toreach Malta* Hasparticipatedin a IYCSand/or IMCSevent* Firsttime inMalta*Studies/hasstudiedsocialstudies* Hasbeen toMaltabefore*SpeaksSpanish* Hasone petor more* Has beenin more than5 Europeancountries* Would getinvolved in afutureEuropeanactivity* Has done aschool/uniexchange toanothercountry* Has brought atypicalfood/snack forthe interculturalevening* Had ajourney toMalta longerthan 5h* Is/was anationalleader amemberorganisation* Already wentswimming inthe sea sincearriving inMalta* Hasalready beenat a JECI-MIEC activity

Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. * Is super excited to be here
  2. * Took more then two different types of tea transportation to reach Malta
  3. * Has participated in a IYCS and/or IMCS event
  4. * First time in Malta
  5. * Studies/has studied social studies
  6. * Has been to Malta before
  7. * Speaks Spanish
  8. * Has one pet or more
  9. * Has been in more than 5 European countries
  10. * Would get involved in a future European activity
  11. * Has done a school/uni exchange to another country
  12. * Has brought a typical food/snack for the intercultural evening
  13. * Had a journey to Malta longer than 5h
  14. * Is/was a national leader a member organisation
  15. * Already went swimming in the sea since arriving in Malta
  16. * Has already been at a JECI-MIEC activity