Make a customer laugh Hi my name is... I will be helping you today Thank the caller for holding. Uncover additional need through conversation Avoid excuses Monogram the call Compliment customer on their shirt Sound friendly when answering the phone Compliment customer on their hair Hi. How may I help you today? Introduce a customer to a manager Use the customers name 3x Be prepared I would be happy to help whoever is next Hold the door for a customer Sound friendly when answering Answer the phone in 2 rings Shake hands with your customer Avoid mouth noises Thank customer for # of years with us Wish a customer a Happy Birthday Send out a thank you card Tell caller you're putting them on hold Get the customer to use your name Make a customer laugh Hi my name is... I will be helping you today Thank the caller for holding. Uncover additional need through conversation Avoid excuses Monogram the call Compliment customer on their shirt Sound friendly when answering the phone Compliment customer on their hair Hi. How may I help you today? Introduce a customer to a manager Use the customers name 3x Be prepared I would be happy to help whoever is next Hold the door for a customer Sound friendly when answering Answer the phone in 2 rings Shake hands with your customer Avoid mouth noises Thank customer for # of years with us Wish a customer a Happy Birthday Send out a thank you card Tell caller you're putting them on hold Get the customer to use your name
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Make a customer laugh
Hi my name is... I will be helping you today
Thank the caller for holding.
Uncover additional need through conversation
Avoid excuses
Monogram the call
Compliment customer on their shirt
Sound friendly when answering the phone
Compliment customer
on their hair
Hi. How may I help you today?
Introduce a customer to a manager
Use the customers name 3x
Be prepared
I would be happy to help whoever is next
Hold the door for a customer
Sound friendly when answering
Answer the phone in 2 rings
Shake hands with your customer
Avoid mouth noises
Thank customer
for # of
years with us
Wish a customer a Happy Birthday
Send out a thank you card
Tell caller you're putting them on hold
Get the customer to use your name