Action-orientedsensemakingHow doesit matterwhat I do?The MannGulchDisasterfiredisaster,the deathof 13 menSituationalsensemakingWhat ishappeningin thiscrisis?Cosmologyepisodeloss of meaning,feeling that theuniverse is nolonger a rationalsystemIdentity-orientedsensemakingWho amI in thiscrisis?Crisisresponseactions takento addressdisasters,crises andtragic eventsImprovisation& bricolagea source ofresilience, whenplaced withtraditional orderwould enhanceperson'sreceptivenessDecisionmakingthe processof making achoice fromavailableoptionsAction-orientedsensemakingHow doesit matterwhat I do?The MannGulchDisasterfiredisaster,the deathof 13 menSituationalsensemakingWhat ishappeningin thiscrisis?Cosmologyepisodeloss of meaning,feeling that theuniverse is nolonger a rationalsystemIdentity-orientedsensemakingWho amI in thiscrisis?Crisisresponseactions takento addressdisasters,crises andtragic eventsImprovisation& bricolagea source ofresilience, whenplaced withtraditional orderwould enhanceperson'sreceptivenessDecisionmakingthe processof making achoice fromavailableoptions

Tutorial 10.9. - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How does it matter what I do?
    Action-oriented sensemaking
  2. fire disaster, the death of 13 men
    The Mann Gulch Disaster
  3. What is happening in this crisis?
    Situational sensemaking
  4. loss of meaning, feeling that the universe is no longer a rational system
    Cosmology episode
  5. Who am I in this crisis?
    Identity-oriented sensemaking
  6. actions taken to address disasters, crises and tragic events
    Crisis response
  7. a source of resilience, when placed with traditional order would enhance person's receptiveness
    Improvisation & bricolage
  8. the process of making a choice from available options