Write a list of20 thingsyou aregrateful for.Read all ofthe signs onourclassroomwalls.Write a bucketlist of at least10 things youwant to do inyour life.Organizeyourthoughts bymaking a "todo" list.Organizeyourbackpack.Work with aclassmate toplan an actof kindness.Help aclassmateorganizetheir binder.Ask aclassmate theiradvice on howto besuccessful inyour classes.Ask aclassmate topick a book outfor you to read.(in our room)Read theback of threebooks in ourroom.Read all ofyour notes fora class youare strugglingwith.Organizeyourbinder.Organize yourapps andbookmarks onyourcomputer.Work with aclassmate tocleansomething inour room.Transfernotes toCornellnotes.Look up twocolleges youmight beinterested in.Write athank younote to oneof yourteachers.Write a letter toa friend lettingthem know youcare aboutthem.Ask Mrs.Howard aquestions aboutwhen she wasin school.Researchrandom actsof kindnessat school.Help aclassmate withan assignmentthey do notunderstand.Read abouta career youareinterested in.Write about atime in your lifethat had apositive impacton who you aretoday.Read abouta college ofyour choice.Write a list of20 thingsyou aregrateful for.Read all ofthe signs onourclassroomwalls.Write a bucketlist of at least10 things youwant to do inyour life.Organizeyourthoughts bymaking a "todo" list.Organizeyourbackpack.Work with aclassmate toplan an actof kindness.Help aclassmateorganizetheir binder.Ask aclassmate theiradvice on howto besuccessful inyour classes.Ask aclassmate topick a book outfor you to read.(in our room)Read theback of threebooks in ourroom.Read all ofyour notes fora class youare strugglingwith.Organizeyourbinder.Organize yourapps andbookmarks onyourcomputer.Work with aclassmate tocleansomething inour room.Transfernotes toCornellnotes.Look up twocolleges youmight beinterested in.Write athank younote to oneof yourteachers.Write a letter toa friend lettingthem know youcare aboutthem.Ask Mrs.Howard aquestions aboutwhen she wasin school.Researchrandom actsof kindnessat school.Help aclassmate withan assignmentthey do notunderstand.Read abouta career youareinterested in.Write about atime in your lifethat had apositive impacton who you aretoday.Read abouta college ofyour choice.

WICOR Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Write a list of 20 things you are grateful for.
  2. Read all of the signs on our classroom walls.
  3. Write a bucket list of at least 10 things you want to do in your life.
  4. Organize your thoughts by making a "to do" list.
  5. Organize your backpack.
  6. Work with a classmate to plan an act of kindness.
  7. Help a classmate organize their binder.
  8. Ask a classmate their advice on how to be successful in your classes.
  9. Ask a classmate to pick a book out for you to read. (in our room)
  10. Read the back of three books in our room.
  11. Read all of your notes for a class you are struggling with.
  12. Organize your binder.
  13. Organize your apps and bookmarks on your computer.
  14. Work with a classmate to clean something in our room.
  15. Transfer notes to Cornell notes.
  16. Look up two colleges you might be interested in.
  17. Write a thank you note to one of your teachers.
  18. Write a letter to a friend letting them know you care about them.
  19. Ask Mrs. Howard a questions about when she was in school.
  20. Research random acts of kindness at school.
  21. Help a classmate with an assignment they do not understand.
  22. Read about a career you are interested in.
  23. Write about a time in your life that had a positive impact on who you are today.
  24. Read about a college of your choice.