The chamber ofthe heart thatreceivesoxygenated bloodfrom thepulmonary veinsValve inbetween theright atrium andright ventricle(three cusps)Patient withan NG tubewould be atrisk for this.normal range is35-45 mm Hg.This is ameasurement ofthe primary basein arterial blood. MetabolicAcidosisTotallycompensated Chamber of theheart thatpumpsoxygenatedblood to theaortaChamber of theheart thatpumpsdeoxygenatedblood to thelungsThe middlelayer of theheart wallThe lab valueof a patient ona ventilator withrespiratoryalkalosis.7.35-7.45;PaCO2: 35-45; HCO3:21-28Valve inbetween the leftatrium and leftventricle (hastwo cusps)Vein that carriesdeoxygenatedblood from thelower half of thebody to the heartchamber thatreceivesoxygenatedblood fromthe lungsartery thatcarriesoxygenatedblood to thebodypH =7.32;PaCO2 =47;HCO3= 30The innerlayer ofthe heartwallThe chamber ofthe heart thatreceivesdeoxygenatedblood from theVena CavaThe toplayer ofthe heartwalloccurs when the heartmuscle doesn't pumpblood as well as itshould. When thishappens, blood oftenbacks up and fluid canbuild up in the lungs,causing shortness ofbreath.Bicarbonate: is abiproduct of yourbody’s metabolism.Your blood bringsbicarbonate to yourlungs and then it isexhaled as carbondioxide.Artery thatcarriesdeoxygenatedblood to thelungThick wall thatseparates theright side ofthe heart fromthe leftNormal range7.35 – 7.45 (butremember 7.35is acidic and7.45 is alkalotic).occurs when the heartmuscle doesn't get enoughblood. Blood carriesoxygen and nutrients to theheart muscle. When thereisn't enough blood flowingto your heart muscle, theaffected part can getdamaged or die. This isdangerous and sometimesThe chamber ofthe heart thatreceivesoxygenated bloodfrom thepulmonary veinsValve inbetween theright atrium andright ventricle(three cusps)Patient withan NG tubewould be atrisk for this.normal range is35-45 mm Hg.This is ameasurement ofthe primary basein arterial blood. MetabolicAcidosisTotallycompensated Chamber of theheart thatpumpsoxygenatedblood to theaortaChamber of theheart thatpumpsdeoxygenatedblood to thelungsThe middlelayer of theheart wallThe lab valueof a patient ona ventilator withrespiratoryalkalosis.7.35-7.45;PaCO2: 35-45; HCO3:21-28Valve inbetween the leftatrium and leftventricle (hastwo cusps)Vein that carriesdeoxygenatedblood from thelower half of thebody to the heartchamber thatreceivesoxygenatedblood fromthe lungsartery thatcarriesoxygenatedblood to thebodypH =7.32;PaCO2 =47;HCO3= 30The innerlayer ofthe heartwallThe chamber ofthe heart thatreceivesdeoxygenatedblood from theVena CavaThe toplayer ofthe heartwalloccurs when the heartmuscle doesn't pumpblood as well as itshould. When thishappens, blood oftenbacks up and fluid canbuild up in the lungs,causing shortness ofbreath.Bicarbonate: is abiproduct of yourbody’s metabolism.Your blood bringsbicarbonate to yourlungs and then it isexhaled as carbondioxide.Artery thatcarriesdeoxygenatedblood to thelungThick wall thatseparates theright side ofthe heart fromthe leftNormal range7.35 – 7.45 (butremember 7.35is acidic and7.45 is alkalotic).occurs when the heartmuscle doesn't get enoughblood. Blood carriesoxygen and nutrients to theheart muscle. When thereisn't enough blood flowingto your heart muscle, theaffected part can getdamaged or die. This isdangerous and sometimes

Mrs. T's Heart and ABG Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins
  2. Valve in between the right atrium and right ventricle (three cusps)
  3. Patient with an NG tube would be at risk for this.
  4. normal range is 35-45 mm Hg. This is a measurement of the primary base in arterial blood.
  5. Metabolic Acidosis Totally compensated
  6. Chamber of the heart that pumps oxygenated blood to the aorta
  7. Chamber of the heart that pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
  8. The middle layer of the heart wall
  9. The lab value of a patient on a ventilator with respiratory alkalosis.
  10. 7.35-7.45; PaCO2: 35-45; HCO3: 21-28
  11. Valve in between the left atrium and left ventricle (has two cusps)
  12. Vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body to the heart
  13. chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
  14. artery that carries oxygenated blood to the body
  15. pH =7.32; PaCO2 = 47;HCO3 = 30
  16. The inner layer of the heart wall
  17. The chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood from the Vena Cava
  18. The top layer of the heart wall
  19. occurs when the heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. When this happens, blood often backs up and fluid can build up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath.
  20. Bicarbonate: is a biproduct of your body’s metabolism. Your blood brings bicarbonate to your lungs and then it is exhaled as carbon dioxide.
  21. Artery that carries deoxygenated blood to the lung
  22. Thick wall that separates the right side of the heart from the left
  23. Normal range 7.35 – 7.45 (but remember 7.35 is acidic and 7.45 is alkalotic).
  24. occurs when the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. When there isn't enough blood flowing to your heart muscle, the affected part can get damaged or die. This is dangerous and sometimes