ExcitedA synonymfor"exuberant"would be.8thGradeWhichgrade hasthe beststudents?Mrs.SeymourOurprincipalConnotationWhat is the literaryterm for an idea orfeeling that a wordinvokes in addition toits literal or dictionarymeaning?TsarNicholasIIIn the novelAnimal Farm,which historicalfigure doesfarmer Jonesrepresent?KarlMarxIn the novelAnimal Farm,which historicalfigure does the pignamed Old Majorrepresent?ImageryWhat is the literary termused to describe whenwriters paint pictures inreaders' minds so they canmore easily imagine astory's situations,characters, emotions, andsettings. An author canappeal to any or all of thereader’s five senses. UtopiaWhat do we call animaginary communityor society thatpossesses highlydesirable or nearlyperfect qualities forits citizens.BlockDaysLongestperiods inthe day.CommunismIn the novel AnimalFarm, the pigsdevelop a system ofideas they call“Animalism.” Whatreal system of beliefsis “Animalism” basedon?SymbolWhat is the literarydevice called when anauthor uses a person,object, place, event, oraction that suggestsmore than its literalmeaning? Forexample, the UnitedStates’ flag.AllegoryWhat is the literaryterm for a narrative inwhich, through the useof symbols, acharacter, place, orevent is used to delivera broader messageabout real-world issuesand occurrences. EnglishThe best8th gradeclass!DenotationWhat is theliterary term forthe dictionarydefinition of aword?Role,Audience,Format,TopicWhat do theR.A.F.T.stand for inRAFTwriting?OptionalAn antonymof"compulsory"would be. BlueMASchoolcolorHeavenIn the novel Animal Farm,there is a tame ravennamed Moses who talksabout a place called“Sugarcandy Mountain”where animals go whenthey die. What would wehumans call “SugarcandyMountain”? GoodcommunicationA goodreason tostudyEnglishMollieWhich character inAnimal Farm is moreconcerned withmaterial things likeribbons and sugarlumps than withfreedom?StaticCharacterWhat is the literaryterm for acharacter whosemindset stays thesame throughout astory?medium-raresteakCorrect themisplaced modifier inthis sentence:The waiter presenteda steak to the guestthat was mediumrare.AcceptAn antonymfor"renounce"would be. MyPeakWhich isthe bestPeak?DynamicCharacterWhat is the literaryterm for acharacter whosemindset changesover the course ofa story? IronyAt the end of the shortstory “The Bet,” the bankeris surprised that the lawyergives up the money. Thiswas something the bankernever suspected wouldhappen. What is the literaryterm for this?ExcitedA synonymfor"exuberant"would be.8thGradeWhichgrade hasthe beststudents?Mrs.SeymourOurprincipalConnotationWhat is the literaryterm for an idea orfeeling that a wordinvokes in addition toits literal or dictionarymeaning?TsarNicholasIIIn the novelAnimal Farm,which historicalfigure doesfarmer Jonesrepresent?KarlMarxIn the novelAnimal Farm,which historicalfigure does the pignamed Old Majorrepresent?ImageryWhat is the literary termused to describe whenwriters paint pictures inreaders' minds so they canmore easily imagine astory's situations,characters, emotions, andsettings. An author canappeal to any or all of thereader’s five senses. UtopiaWhat do we call animaginary communityor society thatpossesses highlydesirable or nearlyperfect qualities forits citizens.BlockDaysLongestperiods inthe day.CommunismIn the novel AnimalFarm, the pigsdevelop a system ofideas they call“Animalism.” Whatreal system of beliefsis “Animalism” basedon?SymbolWhat is the literarydevice called when anauthor uses a person,object, place, event, oraction that suggestsmore than its literalmeaning? Forexample, the UnitedStates’ flag.AllegoryWhat is the literaryterm for a narrative inwhich, through the useof symbols, acharacter, place, orevent is used to delivera broader messageabout real-world issuesand occurrences. EnglishThe best8th gradeclass!DenotationWhat is theliterary term forthe dictionarydefinition of aword?Role,Audience,Format,TopicWhat do theR.A.F.T.stand for inRAFTwriting?OptionalAn antonymof"compulsory"would be. BlueMASchoolcolorHeavenIn the novel Animal Farm,there is a tame ravennamed Moses who talksabout a place called“Sugarcandy Mountain”where animals go whenthey die. What would wehumans call “SugarcandyMountain”? GoodcommunicationA goodreason tostudyEnglishMollieWhich character inAnimal Farm is moreconcerned withmaterial things likeribbons and sugarlumps than withfreedom?StaticCharacterWhat is the literaryterm for acharacter whosemindset stays thesame throughout astory?medium-raresteakCorrect themisplaced modifier inthis sentence:The waiter presenteda steak to the guestthat was mediumrare.AcceptAn antonymfor"renounce"would be. MyPeakWhich isthe bestPeak?DynamicCharacterWhat is the literaryterm for acharacter whosemindset changesover the course ofa story? IronyAt the end of the shortstory “The Bet,” the bankeris surprised that the lawyergives up the money. Thiswas something the bankernever suspected wouldhappen. What is the literaryterm for this?

8th Grade English - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A synonym for "exuberant" would be.
  2. Which grade has the best students?
    8th Grade
  3. Our principal
    Mrs. Seymour
  4. What is the literary term for an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or dictionary meaning?
  5. In the novel Animal Farm, which historical figure does farmer Jones represent?
    Tsar Nicholas II
  6. In the novel Animal Farm, which historical figure does the pig named Old Major represent?
    Karl Marx
  7. What is the literary term used to describe when writers paint pictures in readers' minds so they can more easily imagine a story's situations, characters, emotions, and settings. An author can appeal to any or all of the reader’s five senses.
  8. What do we call an imaginary community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens.
  9. Longest periods in the day.
    Block Days
  10. In the novel Animal Farm, the pigs develop a system of ideas they call “Animalism.” What real system of beliefs is “Animalism” based on?
  11. What is the literary device called when an author uses a person, object, place, event, or action that suggests more than its literal meaning? For example, the United States’ flag.
  12. What is the literary term for a narrative in which, through the use of symbols, a character, place, or event is used to deliver a broader message about real-world issues and occurrences.
  13. The best 8th grade class!
  14. What is the literary term for the dictionary definition of a word?
  15. What do the R.A.F.T. stand for in RAFT writing?
    Role, Audience, Format, Topic
  16. An antonym of "compulsory" would be.
  17. MA School color
  18. In the novel Animal Farm, there is a tame raven named Moses who talks about a place called “Sugarcandy Mountain” where animals go when they die. What would we humans call “Sugarcandy Mountain”?
  19. A good reason to study English
    Good communication
  20. Which character in Animal Farm is more concerned with material things like ribbons and sugar lumps than with freedom?
  21. What is the literary term for a character whose mindset stays the same throughout a story?
    Static Character
  22. Correct the misplaced modifier in this sentence: The waiter presented a steak to the guest that was medium rare.
    medium-rare steak
  23. An antonym for "renounce" would be.
  24. Which is the best Peak?
    My Peak
  25. What is the literary term for a character whose mindset changes over the course of a story?
    Dynamic Character
  26. At the end of the short story “The Bet,” the banker is surprised that the lawyer gives up the money. This was something the banker never suspected would happen. What is the literary term for this?