Decided on a whim, andwith no preparation, to hikethe 4 day Salkantay Trailto Machu Picchu despitenever had hiked overnightor at elevation beforeRan 2marathonsin 1 dayDid a quickstint on theircollege'srugby teamCreated andcurated an ancientRoman lampexhibit that is stilldisplayed at theiruniversityHas beento 8RadioheadconcertsBroketheir legplayingrugbyWas backupQB for theirhigh schoolfootball teamfreshman yearTheir favoriteself careroutine iscleaning thehouse anddoing laundryWas part of atraveling latindance groupin elementaryschoolWas captainof theircollege'squidditchteamHas beenriding horsessince theywere 4Performed inObama’s firstinaugurationparade in2008TaughtEnglish inChina for2 yearsShamelesslya huge fan ofKUWTK andthe BachelorfranchiseWas called back toread as the child (ofAshley Judd'scharacter) in DoubleJeopardy, BUT theirdad wouldn’t let themskip school toauditionWas almostin a scenewith EmmaStoneWas acompetitiveClog dancerfor 8 yearsHas a Troy Bolton cutout that they’ve keptfor years afterrescuinghim from a collegedumpster fateWentostrichracingWon$10K atthe lotteryHas beenblessedby thePopeHas aphotographicmemoryLost 60pounds in6 monthsOnce gotattacked by agoose in Hawaii- no longer likesgeeseWas a statechampionIrish stepdancerSpeaks anEasternOrthodoxchurchlanguageFearssquirrelsCollected 30discarded Christmastrees from theirneighborhood on newyears day and leftthem all in theirfriend’s yardTheirgrandfatherwas aprofessionalmagicianWalked on to a D1rowing team incollege withouthaving ever playedand ended up beingin a couple winningboatsBriefly wasa memberof the blueman groupIs certifiedto be ahot yogateacherWas acommunitycollege transfer(and superproud of it)Almostmoved tothe Isle ofManCollectsoldcoinsDecided on a whim, andwith no preparation, to hikethe 4 day Salkantay Trailto Machu Picchu despitenever had hiked overnightor at elevation beforeRan 2marathonsin 1 dayDid a quickstint on theircollege'srugby teamCreated andcurated an ancientRoman lampexhibit that is stilldisplayed at theiruniversityHas beento 8RadioheadconcertsBroketheir legplayingrugbyWas backupQB for theirhigh schoolfootball teamfreshman yearTheir favoriteself careroutine iscleaning thehouse anddoing laundryWas part of atraveling latindance groupin elementaryschoolWas captainof theircollege'squidditchteamHas beenriding horsessince theywere 4Performed inObama’s firstinaugurationparade in2008TaughtEnglish inChina for2 yearsShamelesslya huge fan ofKUWTK andthe BachelorfranchiseWas called back toread as the child (ofAshley Judd'scharacter) in DoubleJeopardy, BUT theirdad wouldn’t let themskip school toauditionWas almostin a scenewith EmmaStoneWas acompetitiveClog dancerfor 8 yearsHas a Troy Bolton cutout that they’ve keptfor years afterrescuinghim from a collegedumpster fateWentostrichracingWon$10K atthe lotteryHas beenblessedby thePopeHas aphotographicmemoryLost 60pounds in6 monthsOnce gotattacked by agoose in Hawaii- no longer likesgeeseWas a statechampionIrish stepdancerSpeaks anEasternOrthodoxchurchlanguageFearssquirrelsCollected 30discarded Christmastrees from theirneighborhood on newyears day and leftthem all in theirfriend’s yardTheirgrandfatherwas aprofessionalmagicianWalked on to a D1rowing team incollege withouthaving ever playedand ended up beingin a couple winningboatsBriefly wasa memberof the blueman groupIs certifiedto be ahot yogateacherWas acommunitycollege transfer(and superproud of it)Almostmoved tothe Isle ofManCollectsoldcoins

POM Social Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Decided on a whim, and with no preparation, to hike the 4 day Salkantay Trail to Machu Picchu despite never had hiked overnight or at elevation before
  2. Ran 2 marathons in 1 day
  3. Did a quick stint on their college's rugby team
  4. Created and curated an ancient Roman lamp exhibit that is still displayed at their university
  5. Has been to 8 Radiohead concerts
  6. Broke their leg playing rugby
  7. Was backup QB for their high school football team freshman year
  8. Their favorite self care routine is cleaning the house and doing laundry
  9. Was part of a traveling latin dance group in elementary school
  10. Was captain of their college's quidditch team
  11. Has been riding horses since they were 4
  12. Performed in Obama’s first inauguration parade in 2008
  13. Taught English in China for 2 years
  14. Shamelessly a huge fan of KUWTK and the Bachelor franchise
  15. Was called back to read as the child (of Ashley Judd's character) in Double Jeopardy, BUT their dad wouldn’t let them skip school to audition
  16. Was almost in a scene with Emma Stone
  17. Was a competitive Clog dancer for 8 years
  18. Has a Troy Bolton cut out that they’ve kept for years after rescuing him from a college dumpster fate
  19. Went ostrich racing
  20. Won $10K at the lottery
  21. Has been blessed by the Pope
  22. Has a photographic memory
  23. Lost 60 pounds in 6 months
  24. Once got attacked by a goose in Hawaii - no longer likes geese
  25. Was a state champion Irish step dancer
  26. Speaks an Eastern Orthodox church language
  27. Fears squirrels
  28. Collected 30 discarded Christmas trees from their neighborhood on new years day and left them all in their friend’s yard
  29. Their grandfather was a professional magician
  30. Walked on to a D1 rowing team in college without having ever played and ended up being in a couple winning boats
  31. Briefly was a member of the blue man group
  32. Is certified to be a hot yoga teacher
  33. Was a community college transfer (and super proud of it)
  34. Almost moved to the Isle of Man
  35. Collects old coins