Outside of work, Ihave more than 5friends that are ofdifferent ethnicitiesthan mine.I ask peoplewhat theirpreferredpronounsare.I've beento TheSpecialOlympics.I had at least 3High schoolclassmates ofethnicitiesdifferent frommine.I know thedefinitionof affinitybias.I've askedquestions abouthow toaccommodatesomeone who isdifferently-abled.I grew uparound peoplewhose sexualorientation is notheterosexual.I've useda rotaryphone.I am associateswith someonewho has Autism,ADHD, or form ofNeurodivergency.My primaryphysician isa differentgender thanI am.One of my 3closest friendsis not thesame genderas me.In mycommunity thereare more than 3differentethnicitiesrepresented.I know at least5 WNBAplayers orcoachesnames.I have a friendthat does notidentify as thegender theywere assignedat birth.Because of mygender, there is apay differencebetween mycounterparts andmyself.I knowsomeone whois harassedbecause oftheir sexualorientation.I have lived ina communitywhere I wasthe minorityEthnicity.I know howto fingerspellthe alphabetin ASL.Within the past 3months, a person ofanother generationhas explained aslang word orphrase to me.I can definethe word"cisgender".Outside of work Ihave participatedin a culturalcelebrationdifferent from myown.I havecreated aTik-Tokvideo.One of my closefriends is oldenough to be myparent or youngenough to be mychild.The place whereI do my groceryshopping is aninternationalmarket.Outside of work, Ihave more than 5friends that are ofdifferent ethnicitiesthan mine.I ask peoplewhat theirpreferredpronounsare.I've beento TheSpecialOlympics.I had at least 3High schoolclassmates ofethnicitiesdifferent frommine.I know thedefinitionof affinitybias.I've askedquestions abouthow toaccommodatesomeone who isdifferently-abled.I grew uparound peoplewhose sexualorientation is notheterosexual.I've useda rotaryphone.I am associateswith someonewho has Autism,ADHD, or form ofNeurodivergency.My primaryphysician isa differentgender thanI am.One of my 3closest friendsis not thesame genderas me.In mycommunity thereare more than 3differentethnicitiesrepresented.I know at least5 WNBAplayers orcoachesnames.I have a friendthat does notidentify as thegender theywere assignedat birth.Because of mygender, there is apay differencebetween mycounterparts andmyself.I knowsomeone whois harassedbecause oftheir sexualorientation.I have lived ina communitywhere I wasthe minorityEthnicity.I know howto fingerspellthe alphabetin ASL.Within the past 3months, a person ofanother generationhas explained aslang word orphrase to me.I can definethe word"cisgender".Outside of work Ihave participatedin a culturalcelebrationdifferent from myown.I havecreated aTik-Tokvideo.One of my closefriends is oldenough to be myparent or youngenough to be mychild.The place whereI do my groceryshopping is aninternationalmarket.

DEI Exposure Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Outside of work, I have more than 5 friends that are of different ethnicities than mine.
  2. I ask people what their preferred pronouns are.
  3. I've been to The Special Olympics.
  4. I had at least 3 High school classmates of ethnicities different from mine.
  5. I know the definition of affinity bias.
  6. I've asked questions about how to accommodate someone who is differently-abled.
  7. I grew up around people whose sexual orientation is not heterosexual.
  8. I've used a rotary phone.
  9. I am associates with someone who has Autism, ADHD, or form of Neurodivergency.
  10. My primary physician is a different gender than I am.
  11. One of my 3 closest friends is not the same gender as me.
  12. In my community there are more than 3 different ethnicities represented.
  13. I know at least 5 WNBA players or coaches names.
  14. I have a friend that does not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.
  15. Because of my gender, there is a pay difference between my counterparts and myself.
  16. I know someone who is harassed because of their sexual orientation.
  17. I have lived in a community where I was the minority Ethnicity.
  18. I know how to fingerspell the alphabet in ASL.
  19. Within the past 3 months, a person of another generation has explained a slang word or phrase to me.
  20. I can define the word "cisgender".
  21. Outside of work I have participated in a cultural celebration different from my own.
  22. I have created a Tik-Tok video.
  23. One of my close friends is old enough to be my parent or young enough to be my child.
  24. The place where I do my grocery shopping is an international market.