(adj)tranquiland calm;at restPlacidantonyms:rigidity,immobileelasticityhow we knowwhat happensin a story;how the storyis toldpoint ofviewwhat narratorknows/seesis limited toone centralcharacterLimitedOmniscientform of 3rd personPOV where story istold by no one - noway of enteringcharacters' mindsObjectivenarrator; thevoice thattalks to thereaderPersona/speakersynonyms:implausible,unlikelyinconceivable(n) minorsin or fault;a triflingwrongdoingPeccadillo(n) anobstruction orimpediment;something thatblocks progressHinderancesynonyms:exile,boycott,blacklistostracize(n) anexperience thatis extremelydifficult or tryingOrdealthespeaker isall-knowingomniscient(adj) willingand likely topursue alawsuitLitigiousFree!synonyms:flighty,vacillatingFickleantonyms:praised,famous,exaltednotorious(adj)tranquiland calm;at restPlacidantonyms:rigidity,immobileelasticityhow we knowwhat happensin a story;how the storyis toldpoint ofviewwhat narratorknows/seesis limited toone centralcharacterLimitedOmniscientform of 3rd personPOV where story istold by no one - noway of enteringcharacters' mindsObjectivenarrator; thevoice thattalks to thereaderPersona/speakersynonyms:implausible,unlikelyinconceivable(n) minorsin or fault;a triflingwrongdoingPeccadillo(n) anobstruction orimpediment;something thatblocks progressHinderancesynonyms:exile,boycott,blacklistostracize(n) anexperience thatis extremelydifficult or tryingOrdealthespeaker isall-knowingomniscient(adj) willingand likely topursue alawsuitLitigiousFree!synonyms:flighty,vacillatingFickleantonyms:praised,famous,exaltednotorious

Vocab 6 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Placid
    (adj) tranquil and calm; at rest
  2. elasticity
    antonyms: rigidity, immobile
  3. point of view
    how we know what happens in a story; how the story is told
  4. Limited Omniscient
    what narrator knows/sees is limited to one central character
  5. Objective
    form of 3rd person POV where story is told by no one - no way of entering characters' minds
  6. Persona/speaker
    narrator; the voice that talks to the reader
  7. inconceivable
    synonyms: implausible, unlikely
  8. Peccadillo
    (n) minor sin or fault; a trifling wrongdoing
  9. Hinderance
    (n) an obstruction or impediment; something that blocks progress
  10. ostracize
    synonyms: exile, boycott, blacklist
  11. Ordeal
    (n) an experience that is extremely difficult or trying
  12. omniscient
    the speaker is all-knowing
  13. Litigious
    (adj) willing and likely to pursue a lawsuit
  14. Free!
  15. Fickle
    synonyms: flighty, vacillating
  16. notorious
    antonyms: praised, famous, exalted