Chat up oldschoolbaseball fan(must be astranger)Find areference toWashingtonNationals(visual or text)Ask question ofNate Rowan(Red Wings,CommunicationDirectorIdentify one ofthe songsplayed duringgame orbetweeninningsFind someonescorebooking(by hand witha pencil orpen)Find a coinor dollar billon theground in thestadiumLocate aScrantonRail RidersSuper fanCoordinate aphoto ofclassmatesand send toTWIPSouvenirBaseball(caught orstolen fromyoung kid)Scream: Heybatter, heybatter,swing batter!Identify one Top10 WashingtonNationalsprospect on thefieldIdentify a socialcause or non-profitorganization theRed WingssupportLocatenewborn orinfant at theirfirst baseballgameFind/meet asports journalistthat covers theRed WingsSnap a picture ofa baseball playeror coach beinginterviewed by ajournalistWrite an ode(a poem) tominor leaguebaseballIdentify 5corporatesponsors ofthe teamLocate and hailthe publicaddressannounceror radioannouncerEat ballparkconcession/snackHave yourimage orlikeness onJumbotronPhoto orselfie withRed WingsMascotSecure freepiece of RedWingsmerch orschwagTake a lap(walking orrunning) aroundthe stadium, noton the base pathGet a "what'sup"or gesture ofrecognitionfrom RedWings playerChat up oldschoolbaseball fan(must be astranger)Find areference toWashingtonNationals(visual or text)Ask question ofNate Rowan(Red Wings,CommunicationDirectorIdentify one ofthe songsplayed duringgame orbetweeninningsFind someonescorebooking(by hand witha pencil orpen)Find a coinor dollar billon theground in thestadiumLocate aScrantonRail RidersSuper fanCoordinate aphoto ofclassmatesand send toTWIPSouvenirBaseball(caught orstolen fromyoung kid)Scream: Heybatter, heybatter,swing batter!Identify one Top10 WashingtonNationalsprospect on thefieldIdentify a socialcause or non-profitorganization theRed WingssupportLocatenewborn orinfant at theirfirst baseballgameFind/meet asports journalistthat covers theRed WingsSnap a picture ofa baseball playeror coach beinginterviewed by ajournalistWrite an ode(a poem) tominor leaguebaseballIdentify 5corporatesponsors ofthe teamLocate and hailthe publicaddressannounceror radioannouncerEat ballparkconcession/snackHave yourimage orlikeness onJumbotronPhoto orselfie withRed WingsMascotSecure freepiece of RedWingsmerch orschwagTake a lap(walking orrunning) aroundthe stadium, noton the base pathGet a "what'sup"or gesture ofrecognitionfrom RedWings player

Red Wings Minor League Baseball Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Chat up old school baseball fan (must be a stranger)
  2. Find a reference to Washington Nationals (visual or text)
  3. Ask question of Nate Rowan (Red Wings, Communication Director
  4. Identify one of the songs played during game or between innings
  5. Find someone scorebooking (by hand with a pencil or pen)
  6. Find a coin or dollar bill on the ground in the stadium
  7. Locate a Scranton Rail Riders Super fan
  8. Coordinate a photo of classmates and send to TWIP
  9. Souvenir Baseball (caught or stolen from young kid)
  10. Scream: Hey batter, hey batter, swing batter!
  11. Identify one Top 10 Washington Nationals prospect on the field
  12. Identify a social cause or non-profit organization the Red Wings support
  13. Locate newborn or infant at their first baseball game
  14. Find/meet a sports journalist that covers the Red Wings
  15. Snap a picture of a baseball player or coach being interviewed by a journalist
  16. Write an ode (a poem) to minor league baseball
  17. Identify 5 corporate sponsors of the team
  18. Locate and hail the public address announcer or radio announcer
  19. Eat ballpark concession/snack
  20. Have your image or likeness on Jumbotron
  21. Photo or selfie with Red Wings Mascot
  22. Secure free piece of Red Wings merch or schwag
  23. Take a lap (walking or running) around the stadium, not on the base path
  24. Get a "what's up" or gesture of recognition from Red Wings player