TransmissionEnergy ofthe wavepassesthrough themedium.Halloween!!! Whatholiday isin thismonth?CompressionalWaveA mechanical wave inwhich matter in themedium movesforward andbackward along thesame direction thatthe wave travelsBrownWhat is thecolor of the lightthat is reflectedoff the woodenblock?RarefactionThe part of thecompressionalwave where theparticles arespread apartTroughThe valleybetween twopoints thelowest pointWearwhiteIf you want tostay cool on ahot, sunny day,should you wearblack or white?CrestThehighestpoint on awaveMadesubstancesheat upfasterIn the gizmo,What effectdid the glasscover have? SomelightreflectedWhat happenedwhen you dragwood under thelight.yesyesDo we havea quiztoday?  AmplitudeThe peakvalue ofa wave AbsorptionThe transfer ofthe energy ofthe wave to themedium itcomes incontact with.LowfrequencyIf a person has adeep voice,would thefrequency oftheir voice behigh or low?Colder dec21st,becauseangle of raysis lowerSt. Louis, Missouri, islocated near the middle ofthe United States. On June21, the noon Sun rays hitSt. Louis at an angle of75°. On December 21, thenoon Sun rays hit at anangle of 28°. How will thisaffect the temperature inSt. Louis on tMechanicalWaveWaves thatneed matter(or medium)to transferenergy90degreeangleWhich angleresulted inthe hottestpiece ofwood?MediumThesubstancethroughwhich a wavecan travelReflectionWhen the wavesencounter a surfacethat does not absorbthe energy andbounces the wavesaway from thesurface.WavelengthThe horizontaldistance betweenthe crests andtroughs of twoconsecutivewaves.Hotterat noonIs it usually hotteroutside when the Sunis low in the sky, suchas early in themorning, or when theSun is high in thesky, around noon?WaveRhythmicdisturbancesthat carryenergy withoutcarrying matterElectromagneticWaves Waves thatcan travelthroughspace andmatterMonday10/04When is thelast day toturn in anylate work?ElectromagneticSpectrumIllustrates therange ofwavelengths andfrequencies ofelectromagneticwaves.TemperatureincreasedWhat happened tothe temperature ofthe wood afterbeing under theflashlight?10/01/21What istoday’sdate?K-10What istheclassroomwe are in?CompressionThe part of thecompressionalwave where theparticles arecrowdedtogetherTransmissionEnergy ofthe wavepassesthrough themedium.Halloween!!! Whatholiday isin thismonth?CompressionalWaveA mechanical wave inwhich matter in themedium movesforward andbackward along thesame direction thatthe wave travelsBrownWhat is thecolor of the lightthat is reflectedoff the woodenblock?RarefactionThe part of thecompressionalwave where theparticles arespread apartTroughThe valleybetween twopoints thelowest pointWearwhiteIf you want tostay cool on ahot, sunny day,should you wearblack or white?CrestThehighestpoint on awaveMadesubstancesheat upfasterIn the gizmo,What effectdid the glasscover have? SomelightreflectedWhat happenedwhen you dragwood under thelight.yesyesDo we havea quiztoday?  AmplitudeThe peakvalue ofa wave AbsorptionThe transfer ofthe energy ofthe wave to themedium itcomes incontact with.LowfrequencyIf a person has adeep voice,would thefrequency oftheir voice behigh or low?Colder dec21st,becauseangle of raysis lowerSt. Louis, Missouri, islocated near the middle ofthe United States. On June21, the noon Sun rays hitSt. Louis at an angle of75°. On December 21, thenoon Sun rays hit at anangle of 28°. How will thisaffect the temperature inSt. Louis on tMechanicalWaveWaves thatneed matter(or medium)to transferenergy90degreeangleWhich angleresulted inthe hottestpiece ofwood?MediumThesubstancethroughwhich a wavecan travelReflectionWhen the wavesencounter a surfacethat does not absorbthe energy andbounces the wavesaway from thesurface.WavelengthThe horizontaldistance betweenthe crests andtroughs of twoconsecutivewaves.Hotterat noonIs it usually hotteroutside when the Sunis low in the sky, suchas early in themorning, or when theSun is high in thesky, around noon?WaveRhythmicdisturbancesthat carryenergy withoutcarrying matterElectromagneticWaves Waves thatcan travelthroughspace andmatterMonday10/04When is thelast day toturn in anylate work?ElectromagneticSpectrumIllustrates therange ofwavelengths andfrequencies ofelectromagneticwaves.TemperatureincreasedWhat happened tothe temperature ofthe wood afterbeing under theflashlight?10/01/21What istoday’sdate?K-10What istheclassroomwe are in?CompressionThe part of thecompressionalwave where theparticles arecrowdedtogether

Waves/Light Vocab - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Energy of the wave passes through the medium.
  2. What holiday is in this month?
  3. A mechanical wave in which matter in the medium moves forward and backward along the same direction that the wave travels
    Compressional Wave
  4. What is the color of the light that is reflected off the wooden block?
  5. The part of the compressional wave where the particles are spread apart
  6. The valley between two points the lowest point
  7. If you want to stay cool on a hot, sunny day, should you wear black or white?
    Wear white
  8. The highest point on a wave
  9. In the gizmo, What effect did the glass cover have?
    Made substances heat up faster
  10. What happened when you drag wood under the light.
    Some light reflected
  11. yes Do we have a quiz today?
  12. The peak value of a wave
  13. The transfer of the energy of the wave to the medium it comes in contact with.
  14. If a person has a deep voice, would the frequency of their voice be high or low?
    Low frequency
  15. St. Louis, Missouri, is located near the middle of the United States. On June 21, the noon Sun rays hit St. Louis at an angle of 75°. On December 21, the noon Sun rays hit at an angle of 28°. How will this affect the temperature in St. Louis on t
    Colder dec 21st, because angle of rays is lower
  16. Waves that need matter (or medium) to transfer energy
    Mechanical Wave
  17. Which angle resulted in the hottest piece of wood?
    90 degree angle
  18. The substance through which a wave can travel
  19. When the waves encounter a surface that does not absorb the energy and bounces the waves away from the surface.
  20. The horizontal distance between the crests and troughs of two consecutive waves.
  21. Is it usually hotter outside when the Sun is low in the sky, such as early in the morning, or when the Sun is high in the sky, around noon?
    Hotter at noon
  22. Rhythmic disturbances that carry energy without carrying matter
  23. Waves that can travel through space and matter
    Electromagnetic Waves
  24. When is the last day to turn in any late work?
    Monday 10/04
  25. Illustrates the range of wavelengths and frequencies of electromagnetic waves.
    Electromagnetic Spectrum
  26. What happened to the temperature of the wood after being under the flashlight?
    Temperature increased
  27. What is today’s date?
  28. What is the classroom we are in?
  29. The part of the compressional wave where the particles are crowded together