(n) a minor sinor fault; atriflingwrongdoingSyn. Slip-upand Lapse What narrator knowsor sees in limited toone central character,usually just their ownactions and thoughts.ex. Biographies andSentience (adj) willing andlikely to pursuea lawsuitSyn.Argumentativeand Retributoryadj) Tranquiland calm; atrestSyn. Temperedand Chill(n) the physicalproperty of matterwherein matter returnsto its original form afterbeing reshaped, as anelectric band returns toits original shapeSyn. Plasticity andRubberiness (adj) widely knownbut viewednegatively orcriticallySyn. Infamous andControversialNarrator/ Usually thepoint of view ofcharacter. The personcreated by the authorto tell the story and isthe voice that talks tothe readerex. Scout and HarryHow we know whathappens in a story/how the story is toldex. 3rd Person-TheRock, 1st Person-Diary of Anne Frank,2nd Person-WeirdosMost drastic 3rdperson point of view,for story is told by noone/narratordisappears and thereis no way of enteringminds of charactersex. Science Studiesand Medical Records(adj)unimaginableor unthinkableSyn. BeyondBelief andImpossible(n) an obstruction orimpediment;something thatblocks progressSyn. Impedimentand Restraint(v) to banishfrom or forceout of a groupor situationSyn. Excludeand Bar(adj) capriciouslychangeable inaffection or belief; notremaining faithful toone idea or feelingSyn. Mercurial andUnstable (n) anexperience thatis extremelydifficult or tryingSyn. Trial andTroubleThe speaker knowseverything includingthe actions, motivesand thoughts of allthe characters/all-knowingex. Jurassic Worldand War and PeaceFree!(n) a minor sinor fault; atriflingwrongdoingSyn. Slip-upand Lapse What narrator knowsor sees in limited toone central character,usually just their ownactions and thoughts.ex. Biographies andSentience (adj) willing andlikely to pursuea lawsuitSyn.Argumentativeand Retributoryadj) Tranquiland calm; atrestSyn. Temperedand Chill(n) the physicalproperty of matterwherein matter returnsto its original form afterbeing reshaped, as anelectric band returns toits original shapeSyn. Plasticity andRubberiness (adj) widely knownbut viewednegatively orcriticallySyn. Infamous andControversialNarrator/ Usually thepoint of view ofcharacter. The personcreated by the authorto tell the story and isthe voice that talks tothe readerex. Scout and HarryHow we know whathappens in a story/how the story is toldex. 3rd Person-TheRock, 1st Person-Diary of Anne Frank,2nd Person-WeirdosMost drastic 3rdperson point of view,for story is told by noone/narratordisappears and thereis no way of enteringminds of charactersex. Science Studiesand Medical Records(adj)unimaginableor unthinkableSyn. BeyondBelief andImpossible(n) an obstruction orimpediment;something thatblocks progressSyn. Impedimentand Restraint(v) to banishfrom or forceout of a groupor situationSyn. Excludeand Bar(adj) capriciouslychangeable inaffection or belief; notremaining faithful toone idea or feelingSyn. Mercurial andUnstable (n) anexperience thatis extremelydifficult or tryingSyn. Trial andTroubleThe speaker knowseverything includingthe actions, motivesand thoughts of allthe characters/all-knowingex. Jurassic Worldand War and PeaceFree!

Vocab #6 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. (n) a minor sin or fault; a trifling wrongdoing Syn. Slip-up and Lapse
  2. What narrator knows or sees in limited to one central character, usually just their own actions and thoughts. ex. Biographies and Sentience
  3. (adj) willing and likely to pursue a lawsuit Syn. Argumentative and Retributory
  4. adj) Tranquil and calm; at rest Syn. Tempered and Chill
  5. (n) the physical property of matter wherein matter returns to its original form after being reshaped, as an electric band returns to its original shape Syn. Plasticity and Rubberiness
  6. (adj) widely known but viewed negatively or critically Syn. Infamous and Controversial
  7. Narrator/ Usually the point of view of character. The person created by the author to tell the story and is the voice that talks to the reader ex. Scout and Harry
  8. How we know what happens in a story/ how the story is told ex. 3rd Person-The Rock, 1st Person-Diary of Anne Frank, 2nd Person-Weirdos
  9. Most drastic 3rd person point of view, for story is told by no one/narrator disappears and there is no way of entering minds of characters ex. Science Studies and Medical Records
  10. (adj) unimaginable or unthinkable Syn. Beyond Belief and Impossible
  11. (n) an obstruction or impediment; something that blocks progress Syn. Impediment and Restraint
  12. (v) to banish from or force out of a group or situation Syn. Exclude and Bar
  13. (adj) capriciously changeable in affection or belief; not remaining faithful to one idea or feeling Syn. Mercurial and Unstable
  14. (n) an experience that is extremely difficult or trying Syn. Trial and Trouble
  15. The speaker knows everything including the actions, motives and thoughts of all the characters/all-knowing ex. Jurassic World and War and Peace
  16. Free!