PolycythemiaA compensatorymechanism thatincreases redblood cells andiron in chronicallyhypoxic patients.Hyper-inflationandelasticityLung changesthat occur withCOPD include_________ andloss of__________.BarrelchestA commonassessmentfinding in patientswith COPD in whichthey exhibit physicalexpansion in thechest.PulmonaryfunctiontestsA group of teststhat measures theamount of airthe patientcan inhale andexhale.WheezingA lung soundheard onauscultationcharacterizedby a high-pitchedcoarse whistlingsound. Visualinspection, LOC,respiratoryrate, oxygensaturation, lungsoundsComponentsofa focusedrespiratoryassessment.Free!RespiratoryacidosisOccurs when thelungs cannotremove all of thecarbon dioxideproduced by thebody.DiffusiontestA test that measureshow well gasdiffuses across thealveolar-capillarymembrane andcombines withhemoglobin.ParadoxicalabdominalmovementThe outwardmovement of theabdomen onexpiration. Usually, asign of fatigue duringa COPDexacerbation.SputumcultureA testperformed onthe patient’smucus to lookfor infection.HypoxemiaA belownormal levelof oxygen inthe blood.BronchodilatorA classification ofdrug that causesbronchodilationthrough relaxingbronchiolar smoothmuscle by binding toan activatingpulmonary beta2receptors MetabolicalkalosisAn increasein arterialbicarbonate.HypercarbiaElevated levelsof carbondioxidein the blood dueto CO2retention. Emphysemaand chronicbronchitisCOPD is adisease thatincludes_________ and________.CracklesAnd lung soundheard onauscultationcaused by fluid inthe small airways.Long-actingSalmeterol(Serevent),Formoterol, andArformoterol(Brovana) areexamples of_________ beta2agonists.CachexiaSevere wasting as aresult of chronicillnessand the inability totake in more caloriesthan the body’smetabolic needs.DyspneaMedical term forshortness ofbreath and themost prominentproblem withCOPD.COPDassessmenttest (CAT)An 8-itemquestionnairedesigned to measurethe impact of COPDon a person’s lifeand how it changesover time.CorticosteroidPrednisone is a_____________that prevents therelease ofsubstances in thebody that causesinflammation.ArterialbloodgasA blood test thatmeasures pH, andlevels of oxygenand carbondioxide in theblood.Short-actingAlbuterol is a________beta2agonist.PolycythemiaA compensatorymechanism thatincreases redblood cells andiron in chronicallyhypoxic patients.Hyper-inflationandelasticityLung changesthat occur withCOPD include_________ andloss of__________.BarrelchestA commonassessmentfinding in patientswith COPD in whichthey exhibit physicalexpansion in thechest.PulmonaryfunctiontestsA group of teststhat measures theamount of airthe patientcan inhale andexhale.WheezingA lung soundheard onauscultationcharacterizedby a high-pitchedcoarse whistlingsound. Visualinspection, LOC,respiratoryrate, oxygensaturation, lungsoundsComponentsofa focusedrespiratoryassessment.Free!RespiratoryacidosisOccurs when thelungs cannotremove all of thecarbon dioxideproduced by thebody.DiffusiontestA test that measureshow well gasdiffuses across thealveolar-capillarymembrane andcombines withhemoglobin.ParadoxicalabdominalmovementThe outwardmovement of theabdomen onexpiration. Usually, asign of fatigue duringa COPDexacerbation.SputumcultureA testperformed onthe patient’smucus to lookfor infection.HypoxemiaA belownormal levelof oxygen inthe blood.BronchodilatorA classification ofdrug that causesbronchodilationthrough relaxingbronchiolar smoothmuscle by binding toan activatingpulmonary beta2receptors MetabolicalkalosisAn increasein arterialbicarbonate.HypercarbiaElevated levelsof carbondioxidein the blood dueto CO2retention. Emphysemaand chronicbronchitisCOPD is adisease thatincludes_________ and________.CracklesAnd lung soundheard onauscultationcaused by fluid inthe small airways.Long-actingSalmeterol(Serevent),Formoterol, andArformoterol(Brovana) areexamples of_________ beta2agonists.CachexiaSevere wasting as aresult of chronicillnessand the inability totake in more caloriesthan the body’smetabolic needs.DyspneaMedical term forshortness ofbreath and themost prominentproblem withCOPD.COPDassessmenttest (CAT)An 8-itemquestionnairedesigned to measurethe impact of COPDon a person’s lifeand how it changesover time.CorticosteroidPrednisone is a_____________that prevents therelease ofsubstances in thebody that causesinflammation.ArterialbloodgasA blood test thatmeasures pH, andlevels of oxygenand carbondioxide in theblood.Short-actingAlbuterol is a________beta2agonist.

COPD Virtual Simulation - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A compensatory mechanism that increases red blood cells and iron in chronically hypoxic patients.
  2. Lung changes that occur with COPD include _________ and loss of __________.
    Hyper-inflation and elasticity
  3. A common assessment finding in patients with COPD in which they exhibit physical expansion in the chest.
    Barrel chest
  4. A group of tests that measures the amount of air the patient can inhale and exhale.
    Pulmonary function tests
  5. A lung sound heard on auscultation characterized by a high-pitched coarse whistling sound.
  6. Components of a focused respiratory assessment.
    Visual inspection, LOC, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, lung sounds
  7. Free!
  8. Occurs when the lungs cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide produced by the body.
    Respiratory acidosis
  9. A test that measures how well gas diffuses across the alveolar-capillary membrane and combines with hemoglobin.
    Diffusion test
  10. The outward movement of the abdomen on expiration. Usually, a sign of fatigue during a COPD exacerbation.
    Paradoxical abdominal movement
  11. A test performed on the patient’s mucus to look for infection.
    Sputum culture
  12. A below normal level of oxygen in the blood.
  13. A classification of drug that causes bronchodilation through relaxing bronchiolar smooth muscle by binding to an activating pulmonary beta2 receptors
  14. An increase in arterial bicarbonate.
    Metabolic alkalosis
  15. Elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the blood due to CO2 retention.
  16. COPD is a disease that includes _________ and ________.
    Emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  17. And lung sound heard on auscultation caused by fluid in the small airways.
  18. Salmeterol (Serevent), Formoterol, and Arformoterol (Brovana) are examples of _________ beta2 agonists.
  19. Severe wasting as a result of chronic illness and the inability to take in more calories than the body’s metabolic needs.
  20. Medical term for shortness of breath and the most prominent problem with COPD.
  21. An 8-item questionnaire designed to measure the impact of COPD on a person’s life and how it changes over time.
    COPD assessment test (CAT)
  22. Prednisone is a _____________ that prevents the release of substances in the body that causes inflammation.
  23. A blood test that measures pH, and levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
    Arterial blood gas
  24. Albuterol is a ________ beta2 agonist.