Find someonewho knows whattype ofgovernment theUnited StateshasFind someonewho knows howmany statesare in theUnited StatesFind someonewho has beento WashingtonD.C.Find someonewho canname threedifferentcountriesFindsomeonewho hasbeen out ofthe country.Find someonewho can namethree differentcountries inAfrica.Find someonewho canname a USmountainrange.Findsomeonewho canname all fiveoceansFind someonewhocanname one forcethat shapesthe earthFind someonewho left thestate ofIndiana thissummerFindsomeonewho hasbeen on anairplane.Find someonewho can namethe statedirectly to theWest of IndianaFind someonewho canname anaturalresourceFindsomeonewho knowsthe capital ofIndianaFindsomeonewho hasbeen to adesertFindsomeonewho haslitteredFind someonewho cannameall sevencontinentsFind someonewho can cooka dish fromanothercountryFindsomeonewho canname tworiversFindsomeonewho canname oneislandFind someonewho hasmoved herefrom anotherstateFind someonewho canname thecapital ofChinaFindsomeonewho hasbeen to anoceanFind someonewho is wearingclothes made inanother countryFind someonewho cannameall sevencontinentsFind someonewho knows whattype ofgovernment theUnited StateshasFind someonewho knows howmany statesare in theUnited StatesFind someonewho has beento WashingtonD.C.Find someonewho canname threedifferentcountriesFindsomeonewho hasbeen out ofthe country.Find someonewho can namethree differentcountries inAfrica.Find someonewho canname a USmountainrange.Findsomeonewho canname all fiveoceansFind someonewhocanname one forcethat shapesthe earthFind someonewho left thestate ofIndiana thissummerFindsomeonewho hasbeen on anairplane.Find someonewho can namethe statedirectly to theWest of IndianaFind someonewho canname anaturalresourceFindsomeonewho knowsthe capital ofIndianaFindsomeonewho hasbeen to adesertFindsomeonewho haslitteredFind someonewho cannameall sevencontinentsFind someonewho can cooka dish fromanothercountryFindsomeonewho canname tworiversFindsomeonewho canname oneislandFind someonewho hasmoved herefrom anotherstateFind someonewho canname thecapital ofChinaFindsomeonewho hasbeen to anoceanFind someonewho is wearingclothes made inanother countryFind someonewho cannameall sevencontinents

Get to know YOU Geography - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who knows what type of government the United States has
  2. Find someone who knows how many states are in the United States
  3. Find someone who has been to Washington D.C.
  4. Find someone who can name three different countries
  5. Find someone who has been out of the country.
  6. Find someone who can name three different countries in Africa.
  7. Find someone who can name a US mountain range.
  8. Find someone who can name all five oceans
  9. Find someone who can name one force that shapes the earth
  10. Find someone who left the state of Indiana this summer
  11. Find someone who has been on an airplane.
  12. Find someone who can name the state directly to the West of Indiana
  13. Find someone who can name a natural resource
  14. Find someone who knows the capital of Indiana
  15. Find someone who has been to a desert
  16. Find someone who has littered
  17. Find someone who can name all seven continents
  18. Find someone who can cook a dish from another country
  19. Find someone who can name two rivers
  20. Find someone who can name one island
  21. Find someone who has moved here from another state
  22. Find someone who can name the capital of China
  23. Find someone who has been to an ocean
  24. Find someone who is wearing clothes made in another country
  25. Find someone who can name all seven continents